The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson

This is a new(ish) book by Brandon Sanderson, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The book will kick start a 10 book epic, and book one has me ripping my hair out in anticipation.

This is a better book one than Wheel of Time book one. There is more promise. Honestly, this is the best book I've read in years. It's a little slow at first, and long, but worth it. I found myself reading the appendix because I didn't want to leave the world.

I'm not going to say too much about the storyline. It's epic. Magic is inventive, yet not difficult to grasp. The characters are fantastic. You will find yourself empathizing with certain characters during certain viewpoints and hating them during others. There is a scene towards the end that still gives me goosebumps when I think of one line.

Ok that's enough, just read it.