TAC Presents - Exalted Crayons
You are the special Gold Crayon. So if Ike is the red crayon, does that make the gold crayon Tina? /giggle
Important tidbits and updates
TAC STAFF: Contact ROzbeans or Vex with any questions or board issues.
Sub-forums:Board Suggestions
Public forum for chit chat and cyber...i mean...well yeah. Blog
Vampires, Werewolves, Book Reviews...Oh my!
Arms open wide...
Where the new crayons show off their colors.
Sub-forums:Cooking with IkeThe OMG IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!! - section
Open chat
Where the little crayons come to dirty up the box. Beware the red crayon.
Sub-forums:Entertainment CrapJ00 in the RL!
The Techno Crayon
Music, Movies, computers and MMO/Games - Imagine Ike dancing with his IPOD!
Sub-forums:CPU issuesGaming Geeks Anonymous
Do art? Show us.
Ho Slappin' with Crayonics!
MIX IT UP! Hosted by Lessa and Eve. TURN IN DATE IS JUNE 5th.
Sub-forums:2011201020092008200720062005Unofficial Member Challenges
The Crayon Box
General art discussion...just dont break the crayons! =D
Sub-forums:TAC Marketing Board
Digital 2D art
Calling all screenshot manipulators! Any and all art that involves the 2 dimensional.
Digital 3D art
Bryce, Poser...any 3 dimensional artwork.
Web Design
web design C/C and showoffs go here ;)
Freehand/Traditional art & Photography
For anything hand drawn, crafted, or photographed.
Showcase for upcoming V.A.M.P. products, technical support and showing off your V.A.M.P. art!
The Doodling Pencil
COMING THIS SPRING 2014 - The Hunger Games
Represent your district and survive before the competition even begins. The Angry Crayon will be presenting its own version of the popular trilogy 'Hunger Games' written by Suzanne Collins. You do not need to read anything beyond the wiki (listed below). It's last man, woman or team standing, as always. Coming this Spring. No really, this year.
Sub-forums:Mafia - OOC and Suggestions
Literary ecstasy for yer mind!!
Open discussion about favorite authors, books, The Mafia...anything literary.
Creative Leaks and Lyrical Nonsense!
A place to post your fits of creativeness and TAC lit events!
The Crayon Book (club)
You read too??!!! That's crazy talk!!! Good god, get in here and read what we're reading!!!
Sub-forums:Past DiscussionsBook Club Remnants
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