Created on 09/18/2005 • 119 Posts & 20 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- post So this thread (and, it seems, most of this forum) has kind of died, but I started playing on p99 again, and was curious if anybody else was 9 years ago
- post Just noticed this thread, I feel like I was a pretty good rogue EDIT: Guess I noticed it 2 years ago and still nobody said anything about 12 years ago
- post EZServer on EQ emulator. The person made a post on EZ forums saying "Solusek Ro which later merged to Bristlebane from 2000 till 06 quit for 12 years ago
- post Kele, I see a char named Kelefane on EZ server, izat you?! 12 years ago
- thread [img][/img] Brayden napping in the r 12 years ago
- post So like hi. Been feeling nostalgic lately, remembered this place existed, figured I would come say hi. I don't even remember what I've post 12 years ago
- post Graduated boot camp yesterday. Got to see my wife and son. Havent slept in 40 hours. Been at the airport since 2:00 AM and my flight just go 13 years ago
- post Howard the Duck! 14 years ago
- post Lessa;101606Signed it a couple of days ago and shared it on FB +1 14 years ago
- post Ew they included Mew in the original count. And yeah, I know the number but that's only because I recently played the video game, and even 14 years ago
- post There were 150, so I guess not :P 14 years ago
- post I went to Les Mis with my ex back in HS with her English class. Its the only play I've ever seen, but I really enjoyed it. As for concerts, 14 years ago
- post Whoa I kinda had an idea Scott would come out of hiding with this post. How's it goin? Also, Kele: I turned 22 in May. 14 years ago
- thread My wife Danielle gave birth to our son Brayden at 10:05 AM on September 12th. She had a c-section after being in the hospital for 50 hours. 14 years ago
- post I would absolutely love to see Blue October, the other band I've never seen that I have to see some day, is The Used. 14 years ago
- post They induced her because she has borderline gestational diabetes, she's just eating better to keep it controlled and its all good. They als 14 years ago
- post Induced her and nothing really happened, after 12 hours she was still less than 2cm so they took her off the pitocin and are gonna start it 14 years ago
- post I enjoyed Paycheck... I suppose more for the ideas presented in it than anything else. The idea of creating a machine to see the future, and 14 years ago
- thread Me and my wife got married last weekend, out at the campground my family has been going to for almost 20 years. We were originally going to 14 years ago
- post I think this tells you my answer. 14 years ago