Behind the scenes

Here you can post any fun conversations, PMs, etc, that you might have had during the game.

Here are the roles:
Rozbeans Godfather
Mike Mafia
Ksagag Mafia

Mai Doctor
Wystro Sheriff
Blackrabbit Bomber

Dia Townie
Geeii Townie
Kilandra Townie
Pharren Townie

Verileah 14 years ago
Role PMs:
After the evening's light festivities, you are shown to your room, where you are told you will spend the week. Your space manages the difficult feat of being decadent without appearing intimidating. It is now quite late, and you are told more activities will begin early the next morning. The smart thing to do would be to go to sleep.

On your pillow, though, you see a note, and you cannot imagine setting it aside. You open the folded paper to read the typed words inside.


You don't know me. If you saw me, you wouldn't notice me. I am as invisible to you as the girl who checks out your groceries, the man who takes away your garbage. Do not waste precious time and energy trying to track me down. By the time you are done reading this, I will be long gone. I have urgent news to impart; we have not a moment to lose.

There is something terribly wrong with LARPers Island.

By now you have had the misfortune of meeting Victoria. She is more than she seems. Do not trust her; though she is certainly not a physical threat, her schemes are endless and her eyes are everywhere. Mr. Tamporello likewise cannot be trusted. He is a deeply confused man with more money than sense, and he is unstable enough to be a very serious threat indeed.

But this odd pair is not your main concern.

You were not chosen by accident or coincidence; each and every one of you have been called to this island for a purpose. You will not be permitted to leave until said purpose is fulfilled. I dare say only that it is not Ty and Victoria that you must fear, but your fellow LARPers.

Already a secret alliance has formed against you. You must root them out before it is too late; they will stop at nothing to achieve their mysterious ends and leave this island.

Again - they will stop at nothing. You must not hesitate. Your justice must be swift and sure if you are to have any hope of getting off this island alive.

Your Humble Servant

/ooc You are a townie! Good luck!

After the evening’s light festivities, you find you are restless and decide to take a walk. You have the card-key to your room and don’t imagine it will be too difficult to find your bed later. For now, you explore.

You find your way to the enclosed hotel courtyard, at the center of which is a gazebo. You make your way toward it, pausing occasionally to gaze at a statue or listen for the tinkling sound of a fountain.

Inside of the gazebo is a bench, and it is when you sit down on this bench that you feel a poke in your midsection, as though something with a pointy edge is lodged in your pocket.

Standing up, you fish through your pockets for the offending object, and your fingers find what upon inspection appears to be a folded piece of paper. You do not know how it came to be in your pocket, but you unfold it, and read the contents.


You don't know me. If you saw me, you wouldn't notice me. I am as invisible to you as the girl who checks out your groceries, the man who takes away your garbage. Do not waste precious time and energy trying to track me down. By the time you are done reading this, I will be long gone. I have urgent news to impart; we have not a moment to lose.

There is something terribly wrong with LARPers Island.

By now you have had the misfortune of meeting Victoria. She is more than she seems. Do not trust her; though she is certainly not a physical threat, her schemes are endless and her eyes are everywhere. Mr. Tamporello likewise cannot be trusted. He is a deeply confused man with more money than sense, and he is unstable enough to be a very serious threat indeed.

But this odd pair is not your main concern.

You were not chosen by accident or coincidence; each and every one of you have been called to this island for a purpose. You will not be permitted to leave until said purpose is fulfilled. I dare say only that it is not Ty and Victoria that you must fear, but your fellow LARPers.

Already a secret alliance has formed against you. You must root them out before it is too late; they will stop at nothing to achieve their mysterious ends and leave this island.

I believe you are the innocent peoples’ only hope. You may have been chosen for some dark purpose, but a higher calling beckons you now. Help them. Help them in any way you can. Help the innocents, protect them from the alliance, and you may survive LARPer’s Island.

Your Humble Servant

/ooc You are the Doctor! Your save is due after each lynch – if you want to send us an RP style PM choosing someone to pay special attention to, we will post your saves at the end of the game. If your save was successful you will know from the context of the mafia hit the next day, but we will also PM you. You can then write up an RP of how you managed to save the victim, which we will post after that night’s lynch. Have fun!

After your bizarre conversation with Victoria, you find that you need to think. The AI inside that robot was amazingly sophisticated, almost chillingly so. You want to find a place to ponder what you can accomplish with only one question per day. It is late, but still too early for bed. You decide to check out the game room; maybe you can find something mindless to busy your hands with while you think.

You find yourself drawn to the billiards table when you enter the empty game room. It is an old fashioned table, with quaint net pockets. You begin to pull balls out of pockets to rack up a solitary game when your fingers graze a rough surface. You look down and see a square of folded paper hidden under the 8 ball. You pull it out, unfold it, and begin to read its contents.


You don't know me. If you saw me, you wouldn't notice me. I am as invisible to you as the girl who checks out your groceries, the man who takes away your garbage. Do not waste precious time and energy trying to track me down. By the time you are done reading this, I will be long gone. I have urgent news to impart; we have not a moment to lose.

There is something terribly wrong with LARPers Island.

By now you have had the misfortune of meeting Victoria. In fact, if I may say so, it appears you have something of a rapport with her. I urge you to use your relationship with Victoria for the greater good. Allow me to explain.

You were not chosen by accident or coincidence; each and every one of you have been called to this island for a purpose. You will not be permitted to leave until said purpose is fulfilled. I dare say only that it is not Victoria who threatens you, but your fellow LARPers.

Already a secret alliance has formed against you. You must root them out before it is too late; they will stop at nothing to achieve their mysterious ends and leave this island.

Victoria is aware of this alliance. She will try to evade your questions, but I have reason to believe that she will answer you truthfully if you press her. You have only one question you need to ask.

You must find out who is conspiring against you.

Your Humble Servant

/ooc You are the Sheriff! You may ask Victoria about one person each night, and she will tell you if they are mafia or not mafia. Remember that she will lie in the case of the godfather. If you want to RP your interactions with Victoria, we will post them at the end of the game. Good luck.

(And honestly, what were the odds? Seriously, good luck .)

Well –that- was weird. What a bunch of freaks. You decide to take some much needed ‘alone time’ after the meet and greet, and wander the halls under the pretense of searching for ice. You even take along your trusty ice bucket for good measure.

You think about nothing in particular as you meander about, swinging your bucket at your side. Eventually you actually do stumble across an ice machine. What the hell – might as well make an honest man of yourself.

As you scoop ice into the bucket, you notice a small plastic bag. Curious, you pull it out of the ice, and open it to pull out the folded piece of paper inside. The note (for you quickly discover that’s what it is) feels oddly heavy, as though a penny were taped to one side. You open the paper and read its contents.


You don't know me. If you saw me, you wouldn't notice me. I am as invisible to you as the girl who checks out your groceries, the man who takes away your garbage. Do not waste precious time and energy trying to track me down. By the time you are done reading this, I will be long gone. I have urgent news to impart; we have not a moment to lose.

I know what you must be thinking. You believe you are surrounded by insane people, set to go off at any moment, possibly hurting themselves or others. You’d be right. You’re the only sane person left on this batshit crazy island. The best you can do, if someone tries something (and believe me, one of these nutcases is going to try something), is to make sure to take them down with you.

Don’t worry. Taped to the back of this letter is a key. The key opens a storage room in the basement. Only you have the key. In the storage room, you will find everything you need to defend yourself and the innocent people who are caught up in this crazy mess.

Good luck, and godspeed.

Your Humble Servant

/ooc You are the suicide bomber. If you are killed in any way, lynch or hit, you get to take someone out with you. Send us your SKID after the lynch – you can RP who you have your eye on to take out in the event of your death, and we will post your messages at the end of the game. You are a member of the townie team, so try not to take out your teammates even if they seem really nuts. Should you die, we will post a cliffhanger that indicates someone else is about to go down, and give you sufficient time to write up how you do the deed.

It has been a long journey for everyone, and it is not long before most people are drifting away from the ballroom, being shown their rooms or just wandering off by themselves. The meet and greet felt stiff, awkward; while LARPers are by necessity outgoing, they are not the most socially adept people. You include yourself in that category with amusement. So soon after arrival, and all anyone wants to do is be alone.

You give a couple of stragglers a calculating glance before shrugging and walking off to your room.

Your key does not open up onto an ordinary room, but a full suite with a panoramic view of the water. A wrap-around leather sectional takes advantage of this view. One door leads to a massive bedroom, within which you can see a luxurious bath. A closer inspection reveals jets – just what you need after being crammed in every mode of transportation known to man for the last 18 hours.

You begin to run the water, and it is as you are reaching down to remove your shoes that you see the note on the bedside table.

Hello. Welcome to LARPers Island! We hope you will enjoy your stay. We can see that you are a serious role player, destined to do great things on this island. We want you to know that we think you are very special. Your character is wonderful! We just know that you are going to make this the best LARP ever to play out on this island. And your efforts will be rewarded. Don’t tell the others, but at the end of the week, the –best- players will win a fabulous prize. All this could be yours – the island, the helicopters, the fortune. You see, Mr. Tamporello is looking for more than entertainment – he is seeking an heir. Someone with the guts to do whatever it takes to run a corporation.

We have our money on you, but you’ll have to prove yourself in the games. If you do your best and make everything as real as possible, you’re sure to come out ahead of your competition.

We believe in you so much that we’ve asked some of the other players to help you achieve your victory. Taped to the back of this letter is a key. Turn the key in the west wing elevator and press the blank button. You will be taken to a secret level of the building, where you will find your team.

Good luck!

/OOC You are the Godfaddah! Register and use the mafia board to communicate secretly with your team:

The godfather will be ultimately responsible for the hit scenes, but the mods can (and most likely will) add edits to the scene. We encourage all mafia to participate, and share in the writing duties as they are comfortable. If you can't write your scene that night you need to let us know at the time you submit your SKID.

When it becomes clear that Victoria will not be revealing any clues as to what tomorrow might bring, you contentedly resign yourself to another full day of surprises and decide to get to bed. You figure the jetlag or whatever will have you up bright and early. Plenty of time to evaluate things then. For now, you can ignore the slightly unsettling feeling this whole island brings, dismiss the unanswered questions about your hosts.

But isn’t this all a little strange?

Finding the note wedged in your mirror is almost inevitable, you reflect as you open it and begin to read.

Hello. Welcome to LARPers Island! We hope you will enjoy your stay. We can see that you are a serious role player, destined to do great things on this island. And this island is more than it seems! Here, all your dreams can come true. We just know that you are going to make this the best LARP ever to play out on this island. And your efforts will be rewarded. At the end of the week, the –best- players will win a fabulous cash prize.

How do you become one of the best players? By making everything as –real- as possible.

Just remember – not everyone knows about the money. We’re only telling the most promising players so that they can work together to achieve their ends. Some people are only here for the food and games – they’re not as serious about roleplaying, not as talented as you are. We’d rather see dedicated players like you win the money – I’m sure you’d like that outcome too!

Taped to the back of this letter is a key. Turn the key in the west wing elevator and press the blank button. You will be taken to a secret level of the building, where you will find your team. We’ve found a great team leader that we’re sure you can help – you scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours.

Good luck!

/OOC You are Mafia! Go to the secret mafia board to meet your team and conspire.


The godfather will be ultimately responsible for the hit scenes, but the mods can (and most likely will) add edits to the scene. We encourage all mafia to participate, and share in the writing duties as they are comfortable.
Verileah 14 years ago
The exchanges between CHrystal and Victoria (I edited in the correct spelling of CHrystal's name because I was very ashamed of myself, otherwise these are unaltered).


Making sure that no one was around, Chrystal made her way back to Victoria. The doll was completely still and seemingly empty, just real enough to seem like a dead thing. Dead like Vinnie.

Chrystal crept in close to the Victoria doll. She knew she was in trouble and she needed an ally. Vinnie trusted whoever killed him, so she figured that the biggest asshole in the group would be the most likely to be innocent.

"Victoria, is Stanley a part of the secret alliance of murderers?"

She whispered so softly, but she startled herself with the sound of her own voice.


Victoria swiveled her head only enough to pick up Chrystal’s whisper through the microphone in her ear. She should not answer the woman’s question, she knew. It was not part of the plan. But if Victoria were really human, she would do things that were unpredictable.

If Victoria were human, she would have a friend.

“No. Not Stanley.”

She slid her latex eyelids down, barring further questions, and watched Chrystal walk away through the video cameras planted throughout the room.

/ooc Stanley is Not Mafia


Not so shy this time, Chrystal marched over to Victoria with a full head of steam. She still managed to keep her voice down, but she was so angry that her voice sounded like a snake's hiss.

"Victoria, tell me if that bitch Topaz is a murder or not!"

She looked down at her Sketcher Shape Ups. Those dress shoes would have been murder to wear anyway, she thought. Maybe I'll need these sporty shoes to keep a step ahead of the killers.

Chrystal thought of her children, and her eyes welled up with tears. She didn't know if she were really mad, really afraid, or really both.

((Sending it in early just in case I don't get a chance to keep up with posts.))


Victoria was lounging poolside when Chrystal approached her, more for decorative purposes than any benefits she gained from the fading sun.

She regarded the woman with her impassive glass eyes. The woman expected things from her now. She had half of a bargain to fulfill. It was an interesting sensation, owing something to a possible friend.

“You didn’t ask a question yet.”

It was a cruel game Victoria played. Maybe she just wasn’t built for friendship.

/ooc sadly, you are dead and thus I cannot give you your ID. (Order of operations, and all). Thanks very much for playing, and sorry to see you leave so soon.
Verileah 14 years ago
So, I just wanted to say a couple of things...

First of all, thank you Vulash for comodding this game. There is no way this would have happened without you. You did a fantastic job with everything, and on your first time out, too . I hope you decide to mod many more (and I mean that in a good way and not some sort of curse :X). I don't think I have ever been able to adequately express just how nervous I was about doing this again. I knew I was going to have to lean on you a lot. You not only pulled your weight and then some with this game, but you helped me to be able to write when I was ready to choke, which was just about every day :X. Thank you, it really does mean a lot to me.

Special thanks to Roz for all of the technical duties and support she took on in addition to her mafia role. Thank you for all the promoting and emails, and thank you for fixing the boards every time I fucked them up. And for putting up with all the hand wringing and delays and bullshit. *hugs*

And of course thank you to everyone who signed up to play. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at least a little , and will provide feedback so we can make these games even better. I could not have asked for a better group of testers. You guys made this a really exciting game with plenty of curve balls and secret fun stuff. *hugs everyone and is generally veri squishy and stuff*

Now that all that emo girly stuff is out of the way - I wanted to answer a couple of the burning questions people had throughout the game.

First of all - yes, the roles really were random. But yeah, I had to laugh when Wystro got the sheriff role.

Second - the coin tosses for the lynches were real. Vulash called it and I flipped. If we matched, everyone lived, if not, everyone died.

I know there are more questions, particularly about clues and what the mafia wrote and what the mods wrote - I was kind of hoping the mafia might weigh in on that, actually. But if anyone has a specific question we'll try to answer .
Kilandra 14 years ago
Love the ending lol Great job, thanks to everyone, and especially the mods and those who wrote such fantastic stories I had fun!
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Momo sat comfortably in her chair. Her hair was wet and her skin red from the steaming hot tub, but death was agreeable. Leaning over, she picked up a cue card from the floor in front of her and held it up.

Smiling, her brown eyes peeked over the large card. "Momo out."
Blackrabbit 14 years ago

I hate reading Mafia boards.
Blackrabbit 14 years ago
And aside from that, thanks for a really fun game Vulash and Veri! It was super fun, and I enjoyed being able to help "beta" a new style Mafia. It was definitely confusing, and entertaining, and frustrating, and ALL of the things a good mafia game should be. There was rampant backstabbing, guilt-tripping, and flat-out lying. I got to pull some shit on my pals and they pulled some good ones on me in return. *looks very happy and claps* Loved it.
Mai 14 years ago
I have to say I really liked the roleplaying mafia game. It might have taken us a bit to figure out how to say what we wanted to say but it was a lot more involved this way and the characters seemed more real than their players which is a nice change. In most games I am thinking in terms of a bio and a spread sheet. With the role playing it was much easier to remember who was who. There was a lot of PMing going on, but that happens in every game really. I think choosing who you're going to trust enough to send a honest PM is all part of the experience.

Sadly, unlike Wystro, I didn't RP my SKIDS. Frankly, most of the time I was just getting home from work. (by minutes in a few cases) so I just wanted to make sure I got them in on time.

It did make me want to RP more. I've missed it.
Ksagag 14 years ago
I had a great time playing! I'm just sorry I got buried in a ton of school work right towards the end. I really wanted to spend more time playing and plotting.
You guys did a great job and the story-telling was fantastic!
Blackrabbit 14 years ago
Yeah that was actually really creative. I wish I'd thought to RP mine as well. Now I know for next time. I'm so unimaginative. Those were cool Wystro.
Mai 14 years ago
I did almost save Wystro that second night. I felt really bad about not doing it. I wasn't sure if the mafia would try to hit someone else thinking the person claiming to be the sheriff was a likely save by the doctor. Then there was the bit about last game and I thought perhaps Wystro weren't being so truthful. I wondered whether Pharren was the sheriff and Wystro was covering for him. (which would still mean he was a townie but I figured the mafia would wait a night before hitting him) Ah well, some times we think -too- much.
Blackrabbit 14 years ago
Alex snorts at Adila, thinking she thought just fine from where he's sitting.
Wystro 14 years ago
I took a chance in being so public, but I figured that if I just gradually sidled on in that it would look like how I acted the last game. I was also hoping that I would provoke action by the townies if I banged the pots and pans. I only know how to be evil, I'm afraid! I'll need more practice being good.
Dia 14 years ago
So that was super fun even through the intial omg's what is going on craziness. My only thought to the over game was I was too confused/out of sorts to do the main RP of the hits ect and the side things like the scavanger hunt . So that's why I didn't also participate in those. I'm sort of easily distracted/lured astray so I kept to the main threads for posting but read the others. It was a mostly a time continuity thing.

Good job Veri & Vulash! This was the bee's knees of Mafia.
Vulash 14 years ago
Well I had fun. I have to admit I had never written a single piece of fiction before this point so it was VERY difficult for me to write the scenes. It got easier with each one at least! Despite Veri's protests I think she really ended up doing a majority of the writing Thanks Verileah! and thanks for being patient as I stumbled out scenes.

I actually rolled a d12, and Veri had a list for roles. The roles worked out to be very interesting. So were the SKIDS. BR kept choosing a mafia member for her 'bomb' and then Mai kept saving her at all the right times.

We should start a discussion soon to talk about the workings and stuff for future games. I know there were a few unresolved issues, but I'm actually really happy with how this turned out for a beta run.
Blackrabbit 14 years ago
This was the first Mafia I actually wanted to die, and Mai wouldn't let me! Grr!! My one-man suicide squad finally got his in the end... sure showed them! *impales self*
Hiejinx 14 years ago
Way to go Townies! I didn't play because I doubted I could keep all the fiction and the role playing going. Maybe next time I did hear from Mai how things were flowing along.
Mai 14 years ago
What she means to say is... I kept interrupting her tv show or computer game to tell her the latest mafia gossip. Cause tellng the coworkers obviously didn't work. At least she'd know what I was talking about when I said. "Yeah, last night we killed Roz and two other people." instead of trying to turn me in to the police.