Diablo 3

There may already be a thread, but I didn't make it, so it's unimportant.

After all the years of WoW, I gotta say, I'm pretty unimpressed with this game. I know it's not supposed to be WoW, but... come on! I can't customize my character's appearance? I can't change the camera angle? etc. etc.


Real-world money auction house is an interesting experiment, though.

Kelefane 12 years ago
Did you play D1 and D2? The overall character appearances in those were not changeable. I guess perhaps they should have progressed by now though in that department.
KaAnna 12 years ago
Meh, I rather like the way it is, very reminiscent of D1 and D2 <3 I think camera angle especially might have irked more than a few people. And if they didn't change the camera, there isn't much use of customizing facial features. :/

I love it! Quite fun and hurts my hands like whoa! ;D
pharren 12 years ago
Did you play D1 and D2? The overall character appearances in those were not changeable. I guess perhaps they should have progressed by now though in that department.

Yeah, I played the originals, and yeah, I think they should have progressed somewhat in that department, lol. I can appreciate not wanting to make it another WoW, but come on. COME ON!!! I CANT EVEN CHANGE MY HAIR COLOR and I hate having to move my mouse over the entire goddamn screen to find which jars I can blow up to find gold inside. If I wanted to play one of those games I would dust off my NES; it had a ton of them. I'm looking to play a video game, not play "Where's Waldo?".

I'll play the whole thing, sure, but I doubt I'll play through more than twice.
Mileron 12 years ago
I hate having to move my mouse over the entire goddamn screen to find which jars I can blow up to find gold inside.

Ranged attacks ftw.
pharren 12 years ago
Instead of turning 360° and launching multiple ranged attacks along each possible vector, I prefer to sort of "aim" at things. Things that will blow up and possibly contain gold inside. Sometimes these things are mostly-obscured behind a wall that I can't see at all because the camera doesn't rotate. A great example is the cathedral where you find Deckard Cain, and the graveyard places afterwards. Lots of "Ashes" (jars) hiding behind a wall I can't see through.
Vulash 12 years ago
So would you recommend the game to someone who is traditionally a fan of blizzard, but didn't really get into the first two diablo games? I'm not a fan of mashing one button over and over to kill things. If there is strategy, or good character development I would probably enjoy it.
pharren 12 years ago
I typed a thing and now it's gone. Phone browser

Short answer: it's like StarCraft with a totally irrelevant side story arc pertaining to your character following the main players around. You fetch their slippers and shit. You can watch all the main cinematics on YouTube and see what I mean; based on your class, your character story is woven into the main story (but still mostly irrelevant). I'm sure "someone" will disagree, but you have played SC. It's more "movie" than "choose your own adventure".
pharren 12 years ago
And the strategy, which I am apparently doing wrong, seems to be "shoot everywhere", or use prescient vision. You can "customize" by picking which abilities to use and how to augment them. There is crafting and stuff; I'm sure it gets a lot more in-depth as you progress, keeping the number crunchers busy trying to min/max their way to internet fame (?).
Miralyssa Viamorte 12 years ago
none of the classes in D3 sounded at ALL appealing to my play style. No melee/hybrid option?!