XMEN MAFIA - An Explanation
I feel that an explanation is necessary.
A few days into the game, it became appearant that someone had done some things that went against both the rules and the spirit of the game. Their actions were decidedly anti-mafia, and at the time the remaining mafia and the moderators all felt that the balance had been unfairly shifted against then. The mafia were very discouraged and about ready to forfeit the game, and the moderators and administrators got together and decided that the best thing to do would be to do something a little unprecidented:
We allowed them to recruit another mafia member.
I had the godfather submit a list of names to me that they felt were suitable candidates, and I picked one off that list that I felt would be the best fit, and approached that person to see if they would join. They readily agreed and became mafia that day. The new mafia member was MEC, who played the rest of the game flawlessly and managed to tie it.
In hindsight, this may or may not have been the right move to make. Either way, we did what we did, and I think you all deserve a heads up about what happened.
I just want everyone to take some time to think about what this game is all about for them. We, the writers, believe that this game is different from other games in that the single goal is not to win. This game is about mystery and intrigue, and roleplaying your character as a part of a dynamic storyline. If you manage to legitimately manipulate the environment in such a way that you win, then more power to you. However, 95% of people fail at this, and are going to die. It is not worth cheating or using tactics that go against the spirit of the game just to win. That sucks the enjoyment out of the game both for the person doing it, and everyone who is effected by it.
We added MEC as a mafia in an attempt to undo the damage that had been done, and set the game back on track to have a close and suspenseful ending, and I believe that we definately accomplished this. I apologize to the townies who feel that we might have overcompensated and robbed them of a victory. I just ask you to consider this: Does it really matter who wins? This is one of the few games where "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it is how you play the game" truly applies, and I feel that you all played very well.
In order to avoid this problem in the future, I will go in to much greater detail at the beginning of any game that I moderate about what kind of attitude and conduct is expected from players. I apologize to those of you (the vast majority) who have always played by the rules for having to endure this post.
See you next game.
- Jinheim
What we did, in adding MEC into the mafia equation, was try and level out the playing field. We weren't trying to push the outcome in any one direction, we just wanted to keep it going... cuz the alternative would have been to end the game right there. I think the last vote was fair, it came down to the townies choosing their fate, and they chose poorly. *shrug* it happens.
And it was with great pleasure I sent that SKID in darling daughter --as I figured you had already ID'ed me but turns out you hadn't....Neener, Neener!!!!!
Good game, good solution.. but I do think you should modify the FAQ some since it does say you can tell people what your role is. If mafia should keep that a secret it should say so..
Forming alliances is definitely encouraged. During the blade runner mafia, we formed an alliance that consisted of the SK (me), Mafia (jin and pharren), the doctor (geei) and the sherrif (vulash). Yeah it was a horrible alliance and we played totally into the mafia's hands but omg it was some fun and wow were they pissed to find out I was the sk =D I almost won!
In the haunted mansion mafia, the SK and 1 mafia figured out who each other were thru discussion. References to finding out thru other methods is what is frowned upon and clearing outlined in the FAQ under definition of cheating.
In any case, all mafia's will have a clearer definition of the rules for newer players and anyone with questions on what might be crossing the line should always ask whomever the game Mod is to prevent confusion first before trying anything questionable out. =)
i did have lotsa fun tho so maybe being an airhead thats normally clueless isnt so bad =D
And Rae...I laughed about it. y