Mr and Mrs

A married couple (Pitt and Jolie) are getting bored with their quiet domestic life. What they don't know, however, is that they're both assassins, secretly hopping the world and killing for hire. But their separate lives are about to collide when each finds out their next target is their own spouse.

Credited cast:
Brad Pitt .... John Smith
Angelina Jolie .... Jane Smith
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Elijah Alexander .... Marco Racin
Theresa Barrera .... Janet
Angela Bassett
Ron Bottitta .... Charlie
Adam Brody .... Benjamin

I want to see the movie that brought my 2 biggest sexual fantasy people together in real life. O_o

Sergon 19 years ago
Your out of your mind Roz

Addi 19 years ago
I thought it was oscar winner but sometimes its nice to just have a fun movie to sit back and laugh during that isnt stupid funny
Mylec 19 years ago
Rainee and I caught this at the theatre when it was out. It was entertaining. Of course, if Rainee were ever to actually post on the boards instead of just trolling (/gasp!), she would say "You just like any movie with HER in it!". Which is true, but, that doesn't change the fact that it was an entertaining movie. I will agree with Serg though, the story itself was total BS. But it had some good comedic moments. I loved when he tried to talk smack with that "who's your daddy?" stuff and she pummeled the shit out of him and came back with the "who's your daddy, now?". Good stuff.
Gilae 19 years ago
I just rewatched it and you know what's kinda funny...Vince Vaughn is in it...and now Anniston is with him and Brad is with Angelina. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I noticed that LOL. I turned to Mike, 'hey he's fucking his ex wife now. Huh...small world.'
ROzbeans 18 years ago
Just picked up the unrated version - wow...more sex and skin. Not a lot of skin but if it wasn't a stunt double, you got to see Brad's buttocks! They cut out some funny parts too, was surprising. It was like they edited out the tender stuff knowing brad and angelina were hitting it and the movie would tank because the attraction is SO obvious. I dont know, love this movie though =D
Sergon 18 years ago
I wont ever see this film If I can help it and Im a fan of both Brad and Angelina's work for the most part.

ROzbeans 18 years ago
It's hilarious, Serg. Seriously. Their banter is pretty funny and of course Vince Vaughn is great in it. The ending is kinda lame but the build up is the best part.
Sergon 18 years ago
The plot is good too.


PS ------TAKE CARE OF MY DAUGHTER!!!!111@!!11