What the hell?

Okay...a company out in california wants to hire me on a contract basis, 10 hours per month, basic work.

I've done interviews over the phone, they love me, they want me.

I talked to the guy in the interview and he was impressed, and passed on that I have other skills other than Oracle. That I'm also a graphic designer, do webpages, etc. So they really want to find out more.

So this lady, the manager of the group, she sends me an email saying "I happen to be coming to the Washington area, can you meet me at my hotel"

First thing I wanted to do was write back "7PM, lounge, wear something nice," but I refrained. =D

She tells me to bring some stuff to show my skills, she wants to see me present what I can do. I ask her if I should bring my computer, show her websites, etc.

She says:

You should bring whatever equipment/props you need. I'd prefer to see
something that's better done in person (ie. it's easy to check out sites
on my own). It does not have to be 'work-related' per se.

Now, my demented mind says "Okay, so I should bring my liberator shapes, a dildo, and a condom." But I know that's not what she means. What the hell does she want me to do, if not show things on a computer?


ROzbeans 19 years ago
I smell millions - save that email and tape the interview. Sexual harassment for the WIN!
Lasairduan 19 years ago
Oh, Roz, you woulda loved this one:

Thanks for speaking with John. He says you have more skills that may be valuable at A&L beyond the DBA work. It looks like I may be in Washington in August - could you meet me at my hotel on Thursday, August 11th?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Just Erin 19 years ago
Lasairduan 19 years ago
Really though, what does she want me to do? Dazzle her? Challenge her? Sit and play chess? Act out a part from a play?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Just dont dress up as little bo peep or anything.

That doesn't work. =x
Xandare 19 years ago
sit down and pull out a pair of elbow length rubber gloves and a tube of KY and say "I'm here to dazzle you"
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Gilae 19 years ago
...or ask if you can do her dishes.
It works for Roz.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Use dawn liquid detergent. That turns me on. O_o
Lasairduan 19 years ago
Okay, I decided what I am going to do.

The company is called Art and Logic. So I am going to do a presentation for them; one Art, one Logic.

For Art I am going to pop Blender open and make a candle in 1 minute. Complete with a burning wick.

For Logic I am going to balance two forks on a toothpick which has the toothpick tip balanced on the tip of another toothpick coming out of a salt shaker. They wanna act weird with me, I'm gonna be weird with them.

And if that doesn't work, I'll sing. I have an excellent voice.
Draegloth 19 years ago
I'd hire you.
Mai 19 years ago
Sounds like a plan!
Lolanae 19 years ago
Hijinks 19 years ago
You could present a slide show of work that isn't ordinarily viewable on a computer website? I'm sure the hotel has a room you could book and show slides.
Calimaryn 19 years ago
I dont think this woman knows what she is even asking. So just ignore that stupid comment.

Definately take slides, like Hijinks suggested. Show some web pages you have done, if possible show the steps you took to get it there. Show some of your 'off duty' type work, show off your Oracle skills. Make a CD (with watermarked images of course) of your work for her to review later or present to the next person up the chain.

And once she is in awe of your almighty skills then tell her you also do dishes. You will be a shoe in then!