Guild Wars..
Ok so we went and bought the game and started playing this weekend, loving it.. and I have said at least a million times how beautiful everything is. So naturally I want to take lots of pretty pictures and play... What I want to know is how the heck to I get a screenshot without the interface? I can figuore out how to remove everything but the menu button but umm that takes time and can be bad, especially in a fight. I know there has to be a way.. someone pweeze help!
19 years ago
Ctrl+shift+h removes the ui completely Put Whysper Wynds on yer friends list if ya want, and it will show any of my chars if I'm on that account. Sasha Silvenus is my second account, just her and my necro who's Bloodwyne something or other lol. Feel free to holler at me anytime I'm on
19 years ago
I bought Guild Wars and liked it a lot, but then it got to the point where I couldn't solo the content any more. I tried several different toons and used the hired help NPC's but they're stupid and die all the time :þ Especially that healer, whoa that gal sucks! Anyway, I don't have anyone in RL that plays games with me so I slowly lost interest when I had no one to chat with =\ That's why I'm back in EQ, so I can chat with guildies, or old friends in tells, or yell at the newbies in General Chat.
I have some Guild Wars screenshots at my website if you need any for digital work, Temprah.
I have some Guild Wars screenshots at my website if you need any for digital work, Temprah.
19 years ago
weee!! Thanks so much!! Now I can take a zillion screenies Lesse.. I'm Redd Renoux / Tedra Lyonne / Celeste Flameheart and he's Xander Dominik / Dante Sans / Alister Sans so add us! We're still newbies, but I got up to level 6 on Tedra. I really like her, a Me/Mo =)
19 years ago
I can't get into that game. I tried, for a couple of days I tried. Just can't do it.