Slow news day?

Seriously, why in the hell even write this? It makes no damn sense. I mean I could understand if they titled the article something like, "Bush approval ratings and upcoming elections" or some crap like that. I'm sure that he doesn't care that his rating is in the toilet, I mean its not like he is going to be re-elected.

Vebran 19 years ago

Seriously, why in the hell even write this? It makes no damn sense. I mean I could understand if they titled the article something like, "Bush approval ratings and upcoming elections" or some crap like that. I'm sure that he doesn't care that his rating is in the toilet, I mean its not like he is going to be re-elected.
Gilae 19 years ago
I dunno...seems to me that a person would want to know whether or not they are doing the job they're getting paid to do well or not. Every year I get appraised by a group of my peers and my boss and my salary etc is adjusted accordingly. And I'm just a desktop publisher. That's all these polls do...advise politicians about how the people who have hired them feel on the job they're doing...or not doing as the case may be.
Gilae 19 years ago
I dunno...seems to me that a person would want to know whether or not they are doing the job they're getting paid to do well or not. Every year I get appraised by a group of my peers and my boss and my salary etc is adjusted accordingly. And I'm just a desktop publisher. That's all these polls do...advise politicians about how the people who have hired them feel on the job they're doing...or not doing as the case may be.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
You need to watch more West Wing with me, dear. Polls are important!
ROzbeans 19 years ago
You need to watch more West Wing with me, dear. Polls are important!
Gilae 19 years ago
Hehe...Mae gets her political education from the West Wing. As good a place as any imo!
Gilae 19 years ago
Hehe...Mae gets her political education from the West Wing. As good a place as any imo!
Vebran 19 years ago
Nah, don't buy it. I, for one, couldn't care less what the opinion of people were about me and my job performance when they almost no clue to the real pressures and the day to day aspect of it.
Vebran 19 years ago
Nah, don't buy it. I, for one, couldn't care less what the opinion of people were about me and my job performance when they almost no clue to the real pressures and the day to day aspect of it.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I think a person's natural reaction to being judged publically is to tell that person to fuck off. Granted he's the president...President Bartlett would CARE! /cough
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I think a person's natural reaction to being judged publically is to tell that person to fuck off. Granted he's the president...President Bartlett would CARE! /cough
Verileah 19 years ago
I once heard The West Wing spoken of as "political porn for liberals"

I would prefer to say "political porn for idealists" as even if I don't agree with the show all the time I like the characters and their sincerity.
Verileah 19 years ago
I once heard The West Wing spoken of as "political porn for liberals"

I would prefer to say "political porn for idealists" as even if I don't agree with the show all the time I like the characters and their sincerity.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Best damn speech writers. WHy can't Bush have the show's writers as his speech writers???
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Best damn speech writers. WHy can't Bush have the show's writers as his speech writers???
Gilae 19 years ago
Bush's speech writer's aren't bad...he just isn't great at delivering them.
Gilae 19 years ago
Bush's speech writer's aren't bad...he just isn't great at delivering them.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
This is true. Martin Sheen for president! I even like the way he puts his jacket on.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
This is true. Martin Sheen for president! I even like the way he puts his jacket on.
Gilae 19 years ago
And he has hot sons! Or did...until they got old.