Firefly Mafia Day Five Mafia Hit : The Butcher, the Baker
Serenity :: Engine Room :: Kaylee, Remaining Passengers (continued)
Kaylee’s shriek as blood splattered across her face a second time was all but drowned out by the sound of alarms going off all over the ship. Lifting herself off the floor, she shoved her way through the remaining passengers, trying to keep nausea at bay, and struggled to the main control panel.
“Somethin’s wrong with her…c’mon, tell me what’s wrong…â€Â
The other passengers, as though only now aware that something far more dire than petty disputes was occurring, began struggling to find hand holds and try to secure themselves. Metal scraped metal as a part someone was using as a handhold came off in their hands, and Kaylee turned around sharply.
“Don’t –touch- her! Get outta here!â€Â
As one, the passengers scattered.
Serenity :: Cockpit :: Mal, Zoe, Wash
“We’re gonna need to see some fancy footwork outta you, Wash.â€Â
Zoe felt the corner of her mouth go up ever so slightly at the sound of Mal’s voice. They had managed to find their way to a planet and were currently flying low to the ground on the night side. Ahead was a canyon that gouged the surface like a wound, with craggy rocks and tunnels. It was dark, and they were entering a maze, and she never doubted for a second that Wash would see them out the other side. The Alliance ship was still behind them…it wouldn’t be for long. She kept her jaw set as the opposing ship scored another hit; Serenity would hold, and they would survive this.
“I can do that capt’n.â€Â
Wash reached up and flipped three switches that Zoe still didn’t understand the purpose of, and smiled in a soft, distant sort of way.
“I can do that.â€Â
Serenity :: Second Shuttle :: Marconi, Mafia
Marconi had just about had it from the lot of them. Sick, twisted bunch of crazies! Just thinking of the fact that some of these people had come into his shops, ordered his food…and now they were accusing –him- of doin’ killin’! Accusations had died down since that other fellow with the needles sticking out of his skin got shot, but Marconi still thought that maybe it was safer to go off on his own and stay the hell away from the rest of ‘em.
That was when he realized he wasn’t alone at all. Holding onto a support beam was another passenger, and it was this passenger’s voice that made him freeze in his steps.
“Going somewhere?â€Â
Marconi shook his head. “I just wanna get to safety…start a new job…live out my life in peace!â€Â
“Peace.†The passenger sounded doubtful of this, though at that moment Marconi was too busy trying to stay on his feet to dwell on that.
“Yeah, peace.†Marconi gave an uneasy little half smile, then realized his mistake. “Serenity.â€Â
As though the ship heard Marconi call her name, she suddenly took a sharp drop, sending him skidding across the floor.
Right into the other passenger, who grabbed hold of him, refusing to let go, and he realized only too late that he was next, that there was a rather large gun held to his head, and that this passenger would fire.
The gun clattered to the floor, and the last of the conspirators stumbled out of the room, leaving the mess for Jayne.
…to be continued!

Kaylee’s shriek as blood splattered across her face a second time was all but drowned out by the sound of alarms going off all over the ship. Lifting herself off the floor, she shoved her way through the remaining passengers, trying to keep nausea at bay, and struggled to the main control panel.
“Somethin’s wrong with her…c’mon, tell me what’s wrong…â€Â
The other passengers, as though only now aware that something far more dire than petty disputes was occurring, began struggling to find hand holds and try to secure themselves. Metal scraped metal as a part someone was using as a handhold came off in their hands, and Kaylee turned around sharply.
“Don’t –touch- her! Get outta here!â€Â
As one, the passengers scattered.
Serenity :: Cockpit :: Mal, Zoe, Wash
“We’re gonna need to see some fancy footwork outta you, Wash.â€Â
Zoe felt the corner of her mouth go up ever so slightly at the sound of Mal’s voice. They had managed to find their way to a planet and were currently flying low to the ground on the night side. Ahead was a canyon that gouged the surface like a wound, with craggy rocks and tunnels. It was dark, and they were entering a maze, and she never doubted for a second that Wash would see them out the other side. The Alliance ship was still behind them…it wouldn’t be for long. She kept her jaw set as the opposing ship scored another hit; Serenity would hold, and they would survive this.
“I can do that capt’n.â€Â
Wash reached up and flipped three switches that Zoe still didn’t understand the purpose of, and smiled in a soft, distant sort of way.
“I can do that.â€Â
Serenity :: Second Shuttle :: Marconi, Mafia
Marconi had just about had it from the lot of them. Sick, twisted bunch of crazies! Just thinking of the fact that some of these people had come into his shops, ordered his food…and now they were accusing –him- of doin’ killin’! Accusations had died down since that other fellow with the needles sticking out of his skin got shot, but Marconi still thought that maybe it was safer to go off on his own and stay the hell away from the rest of ‘em.
That was when he realized he wasn’t alone at all. Holding onto a support beam was another passenger, and it was this passenger’s voice that made him freeze in his steps.
“Going somewhere?â€Â
Marconi shook his head. “I just wanna get to safety…start a new job…live out my life in peace!â€Â
“Peace.†The passenger sounded doubtful of this, though at that moment Marconi was too busy trying to stay on his feet to dwell on that.
“Yeah, peace.†Marconi gave an uneasy little half smile, then realized his mistake. “Serenity.â€Â
As though the ship heard Marconi call her name, she suddenly took a sharp drop, sending him skidding across the floor.
Right into the other passenger, who grabbed hold of him, refusing to let go, and he realized only too late that he was next, that there was a rather large gun held to his head, and that this passenger would fire.
The gun clattered to the floor, and the last of the conspirators stumbled out of the room, leaving the mess for Jayne.
…to be continued!