Firefly Mafia Round 5 Voting

Vote, midnight est tonight.

Verileah 19 years ago
Vote, midnight est tonight.
Mai 19 years ago
My vote is for Trina
Mai 19 years ago
My vote is for Trina
Briare 19 years ago
My vote is Eliham
Briare 19 years ago
My vote is Eliham
k.owen 19 years ago
k.owen 19 years ago
Verileah 19 years ago
Hi, we're thinking that since there's only three people left we want to close voting. Is this everyone's final answer?
Verileah 19 years ago
Hi, we're thinking that since there's only three people left we want to close voting. Is this everyone's final answer?
Mai 19 years ago
Yeah I've seen no evidence to change mine.
Mai 19 years ago
Yeah I've seen no evidence to change mine.
k.owen 19 years ago
Go ahead and close the voting.
k.owen 19 years ago
Go ahead and close the voting.
Verileah 19 years ago
Okay, voting is closed. Scene to come.
Verileah 19 years ago
Okay, voting is closed. Scene to come.
Verileah 19 years ago
Serenity :: Infirmary :: Peter, Eliham, Trina

“Please, you have to believe me! I never hurt anyone! My parents…”

Peter shook his head sadly. “…are puppets of the Alliance. Mayhap put you up to this.”

Eliham stood to the side, listening to the proceedings. Unbeknownst to him, the scene was reflected in his large dark goggles. “I must say, this suggestion that you’ve been trying to help people is most creative, considering the great harm you’ve caused.”

Trina, eyes filled with tears, looked at Eliham pleadingly before realizing that her fifteen year old puppy eyes would not have much of an effect on a blind person. Still, she went on begging for her life, her voice rising higher and higher in pitch. “But I –was- trying to help people! I learned at school, I was…” she paused and sniffed mightily as tears began to fall “…I was going to be a doctor before everything went bad!”

Peter just snorted and reached into a drawer, pulling out a large syringe and examining it casually for a moment before looking up with a fierce glint in his eyes. “Well then, ‘doctor,’” he spat, “perhaps you can tell me just what happens when a person overdoses on pure adrenaline.”

Trina turned and shook her head violently. “No, please, no! My parents, they’ll pay whatever you want! Please!”

She took a step backward, away from Peter, and managed to bump right into Eliham, who gripped her arms tightly and snapped.

“Do it!”

Peter jammed the needle between her ribs, into her heart, and pushed down, hard. What would have saved a full grown man near death would surely kill a teenaged girl. Eliham continued to hold her upright as she thrashed and convulsed, her pulse racing and every muscle in her body locking at once, before at last she went still. The two men worked together, Eliham lifting and Peter guiding, to rest Trina on the operating table.

Peter shook his head, then realized that Eliham couldn’t see the gesture. “Shame we had to do it. Real shame. Had to be done though.” He turned away from the sight of the young lady and found Eliham standing much closer than he had thought. He saw his own expression reflected in the goggles, and realized, in a distant sort of way, that he was afraid, though he wasn’t quite sure of why.

Something just felt wrong.

And then Eliham smiled, shaking his head in a pitying sort of way. “I must say, I’m pleased to hear that you’re so…understanding. It is a ‘real shame’, sometimes. Doing what must be done.”

Peter’s eyes widened.


Before Eliham could confirm or deny the monosyllabic accusation, however, Serenity rocked violently and in the distance they heard what was quite likely an explosion.

To be continued…
Verileah 19 years ago
Serenity :: Infirmary :: Peter, Eliham, Trina

“Please, you have to believe me! I never hurt anyone! My parents…”

Peter shook his head sadly. “…are puppets of the Alliance. Mayhap put you up to this.”

Eliham stood to the side, listening to the proceedings. Unbeknownst to him, the scene was reflected in his large dark goggles. “I must say, this suggestion that you’ve been trying to help people is most creative, considering the great harm you’ve caused.”

Trina, eyes filled with tears, looked at Eliham pleadingly before realizing that her fifteen year old puppy eyes would not have much of an effect on a blind person. Still, she went on begging for her life, her voice rising higher and higher in pitch. “But I –was- trying to help people! I learned at school, I was…” she paused and sniffed mightily as tears began to fall “…I was going to be a doctor before everything went bad!”

Peter just snorted and reached into a drawer, pulling out a large syringe and examining it casually for a moment before looking up with a fierce glint in his eyes. “Well then, ‘doctor,’” he spat, “perhaps you can tell me just what happens when a person overdoses on pure adrenaline.”

Trina turned and shook her head violently. “No, please, no! My parents, they’ll pay whatever you want! Please!”

She took a step backward, away from Peter, and managed to bump right into Eliham, who gripped her arms tightly and snapped.

“Do it!”

Peter jammed the needle between her ribs, into her heart, and pushed down, hard. What would have saved a full grown man near death would surely kill a teenaged girl. Eliham continued to hold her upright as she thrashed and convulsed, her pulse racing and every muscle in her body locking at once, before at last she went still. The two men worked together, Eliham lifting and Peter guiding, to rest Trina on the operating table.

Peter shook his head, then realized that Eliham couldn’t see the gesture. “Shame we had to do it. Real shame. Had to be done though.” He turned away from the sight of the young lady and found Eliham standing much closer than he had thought. He saw his own expression reflected in the goggles, and realized, in a distant sort of way, that he was afraid, though he wasn’t quite sure of why.

Something just felt wrong.

And then Eliham smiled, shaking his head in a pitying sort of way. “I must say, I’m pleased to hear that you’re so…understanding. It is a ‘real shame’, sometimes. Doing what must be done.”

Peter’s eyes widened.


Before Eliham could confirm or deny the monosyllabic accusation, however, Serenity rocked violently and in the distance they heard what was quite likely an explosion.

To be continued…