Mafia Board

Firefly Mafia

It was a good game, we jumped to some wrong conclusions and had new people to try to figure out. I thought the mods did a really good job on the scenes and I enjoyed the role playing though the event on SA started to keep me busy from the middle onward.

Good Luck to everyone on the next one and I'm sure BR will kill me sometime in some horrible way whenever she gets a chance.

Mai 19 years ago
Firefly Mafia

It was a good game, we jumped to some wrong conclusions and had new people to try to figure out. I thought the mods did a really good job on the scenes and I enjoyed the role playing though the event on SA started to keep me busy from the middle onward.

Good Luck to everyone on the next one and I'm sure BR will kill me sometime in some horrible way whenever she gets a chance.
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
/rubs hands together

You have no idea.

/licks lips evilly
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
/rubs hands together

You have no idea.

/licks lips evilly
duexe 19 years ago
A most excellent game.

On a side note. I was VERY impressed with Rae.
duexe 19 years ago
A most excellent game.

On a side note. I was VERY impressed with Rae.