Hey guys

How you all been, long time since I talked to some of you, specially you mae, aside from the brief AIM session we had.

Linus 19 years ago
How you all been, long time since I talked to some of you, specially you mae, aside from the brief AIM session we had.
Just Erin 19 years ago
I don't know you, but I'll say wassup!
Just Erin 19 years ago
I don't know you, but I'll say wassup!
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Yes our brief aim session was hot. Wait...was that you? Say hi more than, Linus!
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Yes our brief aim session was hot. Wait...was that you? Say hi more than, Linus!
Xanithor 19 years ago
Mae where's my hot love also on aim? its been awhile =( So whats been going on ?
Xanithor 19 years ago
Mae where's my hot love also on aim? its been awhile =( So whats been going on ?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
LOL, xanithor =) How's life after eq and solrohat? /hug
ROzbeans 19 years ago
LOL, xanithor =) How's life after eq and solrohat? /hug
Rikr 19 years ago
Hi Linus and Xani.
Rikr 19 years ago
Hi Linus and Xani.
Linus 19 years ago
On a quick note, I am moving next weekend and I am excited about that. Getting a 3BR 2.5 BA townhouse(rental) with my girlfriend...not the one that I was talking about before. So I am without interweb until then unless I am at work and I don't have AIM here cause the military doesnt like communication.
Linus 19 years ago
On a quick note, I am moving next weekend and I am excited about that. Getting a 3BR 2.5 BA townhouse(rental) with my girlfriend...not the one that I was talking about before. So I am without interweb until then unless I am at work and I don't have AIM here cause the military doesnt like communication.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
New girlfriend? Not the one with the baby and the loser father? Grats =D
ROzbeans 19 years ago
New girlfriend? Not the one with the baby and the loser father? Grats =D
Linus 19 years ago
Yeah, we decided not to pursue that and I moved on immeidtely. I'm much happier with Becky(the new one) and I can see myself being with her for a very long time. She lets me be me(which isnt a bad thing, I just never feel like I have to pretend with her) Ive been living with her for 3 months now, at her mother's house because her mom was kind enough to let me live there cheaply so I could save up for a place and our first real test starts next saturday when we move in together. I know the time frame sounds off if you were keeping score, but Ive known her for about six years so it felt right from the start as far as comfort levels and knowing about each other.
Linus 19 years ago
Yeah, we decided not to pursue that and I moved on immeidtely. I'm much happier with Becky(the new one) and I can see myself being with her for a very long time. She lets me be me(which isnt a bad thing, I just never feel like I have to pretend with her) Ive been living with her for 3 months now, at her mother's house because her mom was kind enough to let me live there cheaply so I could save up for a place and our first real test starts next saturday when we move in together. I know the time frame sounds off if you were keeping score, but Ive known her for about six years so it felt right from the start as far as comfort levels and knowing about each other.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Good luck man =D Just remember, love isn't about always being with someone, it's being with someone you know you've been waiting for. /hug!
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Good luck man =D Just remember, love isn't about always being with someone, it's being with someone you know you've been waiting for. /hug!