I am officially going crazy I think

Not sure if I told you guys this or not, but I take my board exam to become a licensed veterinarian the 7th of December. In the meantime, every waking hour has been spent studying for this darn thing other than school and exercise hehe.

I think it is safe to say that my brain went in to overload last night rofl. I had this crazy dream about this lady that contracted some kind of rabies/herpes hybrid virus from a mutated dog that made her into a werewolf/ vampire like creature. It went through all this junk just like a movie I swear, the cops, the autopsy, the CDC.......hehe, so needless to say when I woke up this morning and it was all dark outside and rainy, I flipped EVERY light in this place on /giggle.

Ok, I need to get dressed, just wanted to share that I am very goofy hehe. I know it was a dream, but you can imagine how much sleep I got last night with that going on in my head lol.

Lorelei 19 years ago
Not sure if I told you guys this or not, but I take my board exam to become a licensed veterinarian the 7th of December. In the meantime, every waking hour has been spent studying for this darn thing other than school and exercise hehe.

I think it is safe to say that my brain went in to overload last night rofl. I had this crazy dream about this lady that contracted some kind of rabies/herpes hybrid virus from a mutated dog that made her into a werewolf/ vampire like creature. It went through all this junk just like a movie I swear, the cops, the autopsy, the CDC.......hehe, so needless to say when I woke up this morning and it was all dark outside and rainy, I flipped EVERY light in this place on /giggle.

Ok, I need to get dressed, just wanted to share that I am very goofy hehe. I know it was a dream, but you can imagine how much sleep I got last night with that going on in my head lol.
Sarah 19 years ago
I don't think you're crazy. Stress induces very strange dreams. But dear no dreams are more strange than the ones you have when on cold meds. *nods*
Sarah 19 years ago
I don't think you're crazy. Stress induces very strange dreams. But dear no dreams are more strange than the ones you have when on cold meds. *nods*
Rikr 19 years ago
Awsome dream! Can I have some of whatever meds you take daily? /snicker
Rikr 19 years ago
Awsome dream! Can I have some of whatever meds you take daily? /snicker