Hogwarts Mafia - Death By Natural Causes Watch List

Okee, not doing this to be mean and just because you're on this list doesn't mean we're looking to kill ya . It just means you missed a vote or two and we're paying attention . If you see an error just say so and we'll fix .

By the way, just to explain the voting and death by natural causes...
You cannot miss more than two consecutive votes. If you miss two votes in a row you -must- vote on the third round or you will die by 'natural causes', which is the term we use to describe deaths that occured outside of a lynch, hit, or serial kill. It does not mean you will die peacefully in your sleep; we will most likely do something horrible and grisly in the spirit of mafia .

Day One Voting (missed):

David Bowles
Just Erin

Verileah 19 years ago
Wow, I put a lot of smilies in that last post. You'd think I was trying to soften a blow...
Den 19 years ago
lol -- worked for me!
I'll vote tonight for sure. Last night was too...too.
Vudu 19 years ago
lol -- worked for me!
I'll vote tonight for sure. Last night was too...too.

barce 19 years ago
Well it was my first and quickest mafia so no voting for me !
Vudu 19 years ago
poor leroy got lynched first night
Vulash 19 years ago
Sorry Barce
Cobert 19 years ago
Sorry, I swear I checked yesterday and saw nothing...
Just Erin 19 years ago
It's my first Mafia game and I got the time zones mixed up. I'll not miss again, boss!
Dias 19 years ago
I looked....but am confused


Trying to sort thru things, and things been nuts on my end. I need to remember to read this stuff from work when im attentive.

Will try and get a vote in tonight...have no idea who I would vote for right now though
Verileah 19 years ago
Alas, Dias, you were killed by the serial killer earlier today.

*brightly* you can post in the ghost thread though! Just no more voting in your future.
Dias 19 years ago
lol, guess that makes my confusion not sucha n issue.

I'll continue reading and trying to sort it out for next time.

Just Erin 19 years ago
Verileah, there is a 'Dia' AND a 'Dias' and NEITHER voted last night.

Dia - Ravenclaw, Yseult Quinn

Dias - Ravenclaw, Michel Hasley (deceased)
Verileah 19 years ago
*nods* I didn't include anyone on the list who was dead because...well no offense but we're not watching them anymore.
Just Erin 19 years ago
oh right. Duh.
Verileah 19 years ago
Here's the updated list for Day Two votes. If you didn't vote on Day one but you voted on Day two, you're off the list and gtg.

If your name is in bold it means that if you don't vote tomorrow you're going to die of natural causes.

David Bowles
Aniyah 19 years ago
By the time I got home last night it was after midnight. Sorry guys.
Laha 19 years ago

That means by tonight we could have three extra deaths???

On TOP of the lynching, the serial kill, and the mafia hit!


David Bowles 19 years ago
ARGH! Stupid finals! Okay, okay! I'll vote early today...
Verileah 19 years ago
Here's the updated list for Day Three votes.

If your name is in bold it means that if you don't vote tomorrow you're going to die of natural causes.

duexe 19 years ago
Bleh, missed the vote (worked almost 23 hours). I was too smoked to concentrate. Opted not to vote. Will today...