by my last count theres 9 players left.. most likley 3-4 of them are Mafia
so it doesn't look good for the townies..
but its understandable since were all Dipshits anyway..
Hogwarts Mafia Round 9 /ooc

19 years ago

David Bowles
19 years ago
Dipshits? Hrm. I wish I hadn't missed two days, and we may have been outmaneuvered, but dipshits? Seems a bit harsh.

19 years ago
Moctezuma, I feel, is a far better lynch candidate than Dante.
This round, the primary hint seems to be theatrics, yet again. Acress mother.
Last round, the final speaker could interpret the runes that Dexter had read forseeing his doom. Once again, Mocte.
On the other side of the coin, we have Dante. Can ANYONE come up with something as solid as the aforementioned evidence against him?
This round, the primary hint seems to be theatrics, yet again. Acress mother.
Last round, the final speaker could interpret the runes that Dexter had read forseeing his doom. Once again, Mocte.
On the other side of the coin, we have Dante. Can ANYONE come up with something as solid as the aforementioned evidence against him?

19 years ago
see my comments on round 8 ooc and voting thread, as to why I believe Moctezuma is Mafia..
I notice that others are following in Davids pattern too.. seems suspect to me..
and if you read the day 8 ooc you'll find out why were all Dipshits..
apparently my brain fell out... how on earth did you draw that conclusion?
what is it about Dante Mannerisms that could remote mimic Illiards? please explain, that is...if you can.
immediate and unexplained voting for me
see my comments on round 8 ooc and voting thread, as to why I believe Moctezuma is Mafia..
I notice that others are following in Davids pattern too.. seems suspect to me..
and if you read the day 8 ooc you'll find out why were all Dipshits..
Dante's mannerisms reflects Iliard's behavior in the Mafia kill scene
apparently my brain fell out... how on earth did you draw that conclusion?
what is it about Dante Mannerisms that could remote mimic Illiards? please explain, that is...if you can.

19 years ago
And the dipshit comment doesn't apply to you, David - you snowed a good many proud!

19 years ago
I must say, good job Mafia, now you get a lynch and a kill, me and who ever else they have targeted.. but at least now its blatenly ovious who they are.
My educated guess as to who the mafia are :
Elise Meyr <--- Godfather
My educated guess as to who the mafia are :
Elise Meyr <--- Godfather