Round Five OOC:

Yack yack yack!

Ashmore 18 years ago
From what I read of the clues it seems we have 3 mafias left.
Verileah 18 years ago
This is the second hit that has involved water....might that point to 'watery green eyes' or perhaps to a 'water proof watch?'

He was hungry and in a hurry, yet did -not- go to the hotdog stand right on the corner.

I'm not getting where you see that there are three left?

He was knocked out fairly quickly.

I'm thinking the wording is important somehow...this is the second time in a kill where someone has said 'good night'. First it was the furbies, now they're just outright saying it. Dunno what that means :\.
Ashmore 18 years ago

I'm not getting where you see that there are three left?

I am basing it off what was said.... but I could be wrong


Much to his annoyance, he noticed now that someone else was already in the back seat.

“We can share it. I'm not going far.”

Joe looked skeptical but decided that he was hungry and no other cabs were lined up at the curb. It seemed safe enough so why not?

To me thats one...


The cabby turned around and smiled at him.
“So, where you going?”

Here is the second...
more proof the cabby was in on it.

The car drove forward and Joe settled in to watch the scenery go by. They did not seem to be headed towards the restaurant but that did not worry him; he wasn't the only passenger after all. They came to a stop along the beach and Joe looked over in curiosity. What was so interesting about this place? It looked.... deserted.

and for the last part..

“He's coming around.”



“So he is. Good night, Joe Black.”

Now I realize the cabby and the "He's coming around" person could be one in the same but I just assume the worst case.

Now I would like to revise my count to 4 maifia types.
speaker 1
speaker 2
Verileah 18 years ago
Game would be over if it was four, no?

Unless I'm counting wrong, and I might be crazy.
Ashmore 18 years ago
Game would be over if it was four, no?

Unless I'm counting wrong, and I might be crazy.

Nah I am insane one... just ask BR!

you are right.. if there were 4 mafias... game would be over. 4-3.... so it must be towines 4- mafia 3.

Since Ellis is the most suspected Mafia.... lets bump him now
Tor 18 years ago
Indeed. Ellis needs to go.

Attitude in round 2 hit sounds like Ellis to me.

Paralyzation in round three could be attributed to Ellis.

Round 4 I didn't see anything Ellis-esque.

Round 5 - "smells of the city", another KO and that DAMN SMILE that Ellis is famous for.
ROzbeans 18 years ago
Can I at least bite someone? Dang.
zorgoz 18 years ago
Indeed. Ellis needs to go.

Attitude in round 2 hit sounds like Ellis to me.

Paralyzation in round three could be attributed to Ellis.

Round 4 I didn't see anything Ellis-esque.

Round 5 - "smells of the city", another KO and that DAMN SMILE that Ellis is famous for.

Also, she has green eyes, a clue from day 1.