Hello from me

I know I already did a hello post, well I think I did right when these boards started but anyways I'll make a new one. My name is Drauss err well my old character was named Drauss. Call me by my real name if ya'll want, John or JT, either one is fine. Anyways I just thought I would stick around here for a little while and just chat. Just a little info about myself is I am 25 in real life now and I am a workaholic. Anyways see everybody around

Prosecution 20 years ago
I know I already did a hello post, well I think I did right when these boards started but anyways I'll make a new one. My name is Drauss err well my old character was named Drauss. Call me by my real name if ya'll want, John or JT, either one is fine. Anyways I just thought I would stick around here for a little while and just chat. Just a little info about myself is I am 25 in real life now and I am a workaholic. Anyways see everybody around

Sup home skillet?
Droggen 20 years ago
Sup boss!
ROzbeans 20 years ago
/purr....I demand you post a current RL pic!