not much to chat about here... I am ready to vote now
You know what to do.
twinkle in daddy's eye
Whatever he chose, Joe decided it should be quick; for such a lovely vacation spot, the smells on the city were getting to him. He hailed a cab and quickly got inside. Much to his annoyance, he noticed now that someone else was already in the back seat.
One moment she bent over the display table where she had fallen and the next there was a strange sound and something hard hitting her
Her expression was one of confusion and surprise as something hard hit her in the back of the head.
Weapon (be descriptive): baseball bat: metal, 1.5 feet long, black, rubber handle great for grip. The bat can also extend to 3 feet long in desperate times, like one of those toy lightsabers, once a button on the end is pushed.
“Yes, you must be the twinkle in daddy's eye with those morals.â€Â
Also, it is pretty much a rule that anyone makes a little kid or a midget as their character, it is evil.