You'd almost think my family has a clock fetish...

Showering this morning I heard ticking.

Over the running shower.

So when I got out, I looked around. There's a new analog clock hanging on the wall in the bathroom.

So then I took a couple minutes to look around the house for more clocks.

In each room...

Living room: Four clocks. Mom's alarm clock (she sleeps on the couch), another clock radio, the VCR, and an analog clock hanging on the DVD shelf.

Dining room: Three clocks. The fax machine, the computer, and an analog clock that usually hangs on the top of the overhang for the bay window but is on the bookshelf right now since the Christmas Tree is still up*.

Kitchen: Five clocks. Microwave, range, clock radio, and two analog clocks.

Dad's room: Five clocks. VCR, TV, a Craftsman sawblade analog clock, and two clock radios.

Dad's bathroom: One clock. The analog clock I heard when I was showering.

Sister's bedroom: Four clocks. TV, VCR, clock radio, tiny alarm-only clock.

Main bathroom: One clock. Another analog clock hanging over the door.

My bedroom: Seven clocks. Four computers, three clock radios.

Of course, this doesn't count my sister's three cell phones, my brother's three cell phones (each of which he sets for his wakeup alarms), Mom's single and my single cell phone.

What does any one family need 38 clocks for?

Oh, wait, 40. There's two clock radios in the basement that my mom uses for stereo music when she's doing laundry.

Maeya 18 years ago
After reading all that, the word 'clock' now sounds wrong to me... like it's not really a word.
Mileron 18 years ago
Oh and

*=the only thing my sister wanted for her birthday was to leave the Christmas tree and decorations up. My sister's birthday is 3/15.
Sarah 18 years ago
I've told you this before Mil, but you're sister is a nutcase.

That being said, my brain did the same as Maeya's it started rejecting clock as a real word. So I'm not going to be able to say clock for a while since clock isn't a real word anymore.

Clock is like fork.
Vex 18 years ago
it makes me think of chickens that bock.
FyreGarnett 18 years ago
this got me to thinking ~ and we have a grand total of... 8 clocks in a 4 bedroom 2 story house. 3 alarm clocks, 1 VCR, the microwave, 3 computers... there is not a single, just for the sake of it, clock in this entire house. Weird...
Calimaryn 18 years ago
8 total for us. 10 if you count cells.

Cable box and Pretty clock in the living room, 1 alarm clock, 0-4 (depending on whats turned on) computers, 1 cable box in the bed room. Neither LB nor I wear a watch though we both have cell phones with the time displayed on it.
Vebran 18 years ago
Your definition of a clock, differs more greatly than mine. Anything with a dual function, such as computer, stove, microwave, etc...I don't consider a clock. It has to exist exclusively as a clock to be considered one in my opinion.

As such we have three clocks in our bedroom, two for morning alarms (one battery powered in case the power goes out) and another for my mid night sleep reset (long and involved, but good reason). One in our daughter's room, there only because it is a Hello Kitty one. Then one downstairs in the kitchen.

By your definition our house would have have 5 in the master bedroom (VCR and cable box can display time), one in the daughter's room, two in the living room (VCR, cable box again), 5 in the kitchen (wall, stove, microwave, two cellphones), and 5 in the family room (4 computers, cable box)

Basically I feel like calling the things mentioned in the paragraph above is to give something as a primary name when it has a tertiary function. I wouldn't say that I have 7 calculators in the house because my computers and cell phones have them.
Mileron 18 years ago
Someone reminded me I shouldn't count computers or cell phones, but still.

28~ish is way too flipping many for one house.
Adiene 18 years ago
I used to have a watch fetish bad growing up rofl now I dont even want to look at much less wear one , that includes clocks too.. I think I have 1 in the living room, one in my computer room and one in the bedroom. lol now .. the question is ...Which ones actually work?! lol *scratches head*
Den 18 years ago
Someone reminded me I shouldn't count computers or cell phones, but still.
28~ish is way too flipping many for one house.

Mirabela 18 years ago
i saw the word clock so many times my eyes naturally took out the " L " then i had to giggle to myself...

funny that clocks are a man made measurement of a time,

what is time? =D
ROzbeans 18 years ago
I have such a watch obsession it's ridiculous. If i leave the house without my watch on, the world will end. I will drive back and get it. Right now I wear a watch up until bed time, but I have this need to know what time it is at any moment. Although I dont' have 100 watches or anything, I have 1 watch that I love. My watch isn't just for telling time, either. It's a piece of jewelery and part of my outfit. It's a chunky square faced silver man's watch from Kenneth Cole. I covet my watch and my father's kinetic watch, as well.

I am still waiting for my own kinetic watch, the one i've been waiting for veb to buy me since 1995. /glares
Den 18 years ago
I wish I had waited to buy my kinetic watch...its a Seiko I bought in the late 90's and not too large, but HEAVY...and then I went and sprung the clasp, and now need to spend a freaking fortune to replace the band. They're being made much smaller and better now, I think.
Sergon 18 years ago
I stopped wearing a watch about 5 years ago becuase i always have my cell on me. I do have 1 watch a Rolex Explorer 2. I bought it for myself as a gift for graduating college 11 years ago. I only wear it when im in a suit or a tux. It's jewelry for me.