tee shirt design contest thingy
There's a black tee shirt design contest going on over at WomenGamers (that Sylvene pointed out on SMMO, thanks!) and I thought I'd scare up an entry. If you guys would be so kind as to smack it around some before I submit I'd be most grateful.
I'm not sure how I feel about the green...I'm leaning toward white atm.
18 years ago
What about red? Just seems to draw more attention. I prefer the green over the white, me thinks.
18 years ago
I kind of like the green also... maybe do a gradient fade from Green to white on her to add some colour without it being so much and to also convery the movement.
18 years ago
I like the white better, but that's because I'm just not a fan of green, much. Red might be interesting though, if it would show up on a black t...
I like the design, btw...
I like the design, btw...
18 years ago
My concern with the green one would be whether the code would be as noticable on a shirt. The printing used for t-shirts usually aren't as high resolution and it may be a little hard to see.
18 years ago
I suppose I could go with green and up the contrast some *thinks* will have to see what that does to it overall. I am starting to think the color adds some oomph but I don't want it to come at too high a cost...
Also, I'm wondering about the phrasing. Does 'Jumping the Digital Hurdle' sound better, or 'Clearing the Digital Hurdle'? Or should I be looking at another verb altogether? I like the cadence of 'jumping the digital hurdle' better than 'clearing' but 'clearing' might sound/look better. Thoughts?
Also, I'm wondering about the phrasing. Does 'Jumping the Digital Hurdle' sound better, or 'Clearing the Digital Hurdle'? Or should I be looking at another verb altogether? I like the cadence of 'jumping the digital hurdle' better than 'clearing' but 'clearing' might sound/look better. Thoughts?
18 years ago
Jumping sounds better than clearing in my opinion. Its the most clear and most active sounding. Clearing my first thought was wiping something...but I've been doing too much 'clearing' of illustrator mistakes so that might be it. The next thought was a clearing.
18 years ago
I prefer jumping. =)
18 years ago
i like the green, though red would work too. it sets off the lettering better than teh white one. and jumping works!
18 years ago
perhaps make the code in the green one white?
i like the green better because it stands out among the words better. But the white does look good and its simpler. everyone could enjoy b/w!
i like the green better because it stands out among the words better. But the white does look good and its simpler. everyone could enjoy b/w!
18 years ago
Yeah that might have been cool looking. Good Idea =)
18 years ago
Well as it turns out they did a -very- last minute rule change. As in, deadline was Friday, I submitted Thursday, find out (thanks Mai!) the next morning that they switched things around. Originally I was just going to say fuck it, but then I saw Dia's CC and was like 'gfd why did I submit early when I should have tried this great idea'.
So, I changed the binary to white, changed the font, and sent an email saying 'hey you guys changed the rules on me, here's what I changed, lemmie submit again pleeeeaaaaaase and they were totally cool about it. Which I think is fair enough - I saw on their site that the person running the contest sent back another early submission and let the guy know it would be disqualified so I figured a little back and forth, especially if they're going to jiggle the rules around, is okay.
Anyway, it's sent, I'm at peace, the end.
So, I changed the binary to white, changed the font, and sent an email saying 'hey you guys changed the rules on me, here's what I changed, lemmie submit again pleeeeaaaaaase and they were totally cool about it. Which I think is fair enough - I saw on their site that the person running the contest sent back another early submission and let the guy know it would be disqualified so I figured a little back and forth, especially if they're going to jiggle the rules around, is okay.
Anyway, it's sent, I'm at peace, the end.
18 years ago
=D sweet! i'm glad i said something useful! (its not that often believe me hehe)
18 years ago
So let's see the final, woman, geez!
18 years ago
Yeah, you!
So let's see the final, woman, geez!
Yeah, you!
18 years ago
i third that one?
18 years ago
I keep thinking the article will get posted and then we can see -all- the images but so far no luck.
18 years ago
looks muy bien!
18 years ago
Yep totally like that one the best