Gday Rick...
I will have sex chups plskthx. *cackles maniacally*
OMGZ, it HAD to be done!
Another Kiwi...
Howdy all - yep another Kiwi here - used to be not too many of us about, now you can't turn round with tripping over one - heh heh.
Have come over from DA for the TAC exchange after seeing the posts from Eve/Rain/Vex/Roz. Just hope I can do some justice to the character, especially with so much talent around these parts.
Mostly use P6 (now P7) and PS CS and my image theme seems to be SciFi - not sure why or how that came about.
Anyway - great to be involved with such a talented bunch of people.

18 years ago

18 years ago
heh heh - would you like a dingo or a baby with that?? // chuckles

18 years ago
Baby please, they taste of chicken!

18 years ago
*cries* Rixter donnae love me no more! *sobs a bit more then sticks out her tongue*
Four Winds
18 years ago
G'day Rick, nice to see another Kiwi around here
What's your deviantArt site addy btw?
Howdy all - yep another Kiwi here - used to be not too many of us about, now you can't turn round with tripping over one - heh heh.
Have come over from DA for the TAC exchange after seeing the posts from Rain/Vex/Roz. Just hope I can do some justice to the character, especially with so much talent around these parts.
Mostly use P6 (now P7) and PS CS and my image theme seems to be SciFi - not sure why or how that came about.
Anyway - great to be involved with such a talented bunch of people.
G'day Rick, nice to see another Kiwi around here

18 years ago
Huhu rixster! Thanks for registering and signing up! Any questions, just as us ladies
/cough /blush! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy!

18 years ago
yay!!! hiyas rixsteroo!! glad to see you've joined us!

18 years ago
Bugger... only been here a minute and look what I've gone and done...
//pats Eve on the back and mutters inane words such as "there there" and "it will be ok"...
I'd just like to state for the record, that Eve was also one of the posts that convinced me to come and join up!!
Have fixed it in the original post for you Eve - sorry about that chick.
*cries* Rixter donnae love me no more! *sobs a bit more then sticks out her tongue*
Bugger... only been here a minute and look what I've gone and done...
//pats Eve on the back and mutters inane words such as "there there" and "it will be ok"...
I'd just like to state for the record, that Eve was also one of the posts that convinced me to come and join up!!
Have fixed it in the original post for you Eve - sorry about that chick.

18 years ago
I think I need to start saying howdy instead of welcome...I'm feeling a bit over run with words I don't know. *snerk*

18 years ago
*beams* Yay! All is right in my world again *giggle*