WoW expansion

So is it everything you hoped it would be?

Keriath 18 years ago
Vex no i wasn't in the beta.. I basicly ran around with my brother and we did every quest in Hellfire, Zang, Terrorkar, Nagrand, and we did about half the quests in Blades edge to hit 70. Now just finishing all the quests in Blades edge and Netherstorm for the gold rewards saving for the epic flying mount. 800g for the cheap riding skill and 5k gold for the epic is makingme cry ;(

I really think it might just be faster to level up one of my other 60's to 70 and take the 2kish i make while leveling to pay for my warriors epic

I'll try and get a link for the Fraps one of my guildies did for the Thrall event. It is prolly the coolest thing i have done in wow to date.
Vex 18 years ago
i've done every quest in hellfire, zangar, terokkar, nagrand, and now working on BE.

how the bloody hell would you be 70 by the time you hit BE? 150% rested state when you start? for some gay ass reason i had like 15% ;( been lvl 60 on my rogue since like 2 weeks after game went live back in 04
Mileron 18 years ago
how the bloody hell would you be 70 by the time you hit BE? 150% rested state when you start? for some gay ass reason i had like 15% ;( been lvl 60 on my rogue since like 2 weeks after game went live back in 04

They reset rested totals for 60s as of 2.0
jadephyre 18 years ago
jeezus Vex, what kinda system you got where you can run a res of 1920x1200 ?
not that i play WoW (it's Guild Wars for me, go flame me ), but can you play in that res while in an instance with 40 People plus the Monsters ?
Keriath 18 years ago
Nope didn't have any rested. Took me a lot of the quests in BE. Did all the first town and all the second and most of the thirds camps to get it but it worked out for me ;p
Calimaryn 18 years ago
Being on vacation for a week right after the expansion means we left at 61.5 for me and 62.5 for LB. Man we are twitching for a fix.
Mileron 18 years ago
Being on vacation for a week right after the expansion means we left at 61.5 for me and 62.5 for LB. Man we are twitching for a fix.

Yeah but at least now you have almost a full level of rest!
Vex 18 years ago
jeezus Vex, what kinda system you got where you can run a res of 1920x1200 ?
not that i play WoW (it's Guild Wars for me, go flame me ), but can you play in that res while in an instance with 40 People plus the Monsters ?

sure can, BWL, MC.. Ironforge

3.4ghz, 7800GT nvidia card, 2gig of ram. 24" dell flat panel monitor.
Vex 18 years ago
o, i dinged 70. FUCKTON of quests in netherstorm.

priest = 61
hunter = 61
warrior = 60.
Calimaryn 18 years ago
Since LB has this week off he has been leveling us. Last night when I got home he was 65 and my priest was 64. Hopefully tonight I will be 65. muhahahaha!

Ok I expect to spend the weekend leveling myself but hey, free exp is free exp.
Den 18 years ago
I don't get it. How do you (Cali) and ROz enjoy the game if your hubbies play it for you?
Beli 18 years ago
Didn't see this thread before!

Loving the expansion. It's actually more fun than I thought it'd be. Even though we were in the beta, we didn't level up our characters because we didn't want to ruin the experience (and be basically doing the same thing all over again). My husband's avoiding rest state so we can really take our time getting to 70. After being at 60 for several years, it gets old being at the top. It's really nice to watch the progress again and we're doing all the quests in each zone and we'd like to complete them while they're yellow, not green, hence avoiding rest state.

We seriously spent all of our time raising engineering first instead of focusing on quests. We're stuck at 360 now because of lack of recipes (mostly dropped at this point), but we've both got our goblin/gnome transporters and are sporting spifty goggles. I loved, loved, loved DEing all my Molten Snore gear. I couldn't wait to dump that crap. Spending months raiding the same zone over and over? Glad to see that gear go. I did have to listen to a few people whine about all the time they put into BWL only to have it replaced so quickly. Wha? They want to be buried in that gear? Go right ahead. I don't want to hear about it anymore. My favorite part of leveling was all the new clothes I'd get. It's been a long time since I've run around in pants and my husband said it was good to see me not wearing a dress for a change. Nice upgrades drop in dungeons and I'm not even rolling against my friends because that stuff will be replaced in a level or two anyway. I'll worry about that at level 70 and all!

I just like wearing gear that no one really knows where it's from unless they've done the quest themselves or have the same item from a dungeon. I was so tired of people being visibly measured by what dungeon gear they were wearing (Naxx, BWL, and MC) and how everyone was starting to look the same in the end. I even did PvP two years ago to get away from it and for a long time, I was the only dwarf priest wearing the pvp gear. In the past year, saw dwarf priest alts wearing 'em. Just wasn't different anymore, y'know? The ride to 70 again is a real breather. I know we'll hit 70 again and settle into new routines of trying to look different by doing harder dungeons, blah blah blah. At least I don't have to deal with that again for a while.
ROzbeans 18 years ago
I don't get it. How do you (Cali) and ROz enjoy the game if your hubbies play it for you?

I play sometimes. Actually I'm tired of the blood elf, I don't like the horde side at all. Not sure why, just don't. I haven't played hardcore since EQ and believe me, I don't need to play wow like that. I'd work 8 hrs and then play 8hrs - a lot of regret built up into the obsession. Besides, I have TAC, help run SA - I write and do art on top of chasing Catherine around and making a baby with the husband. I play when I want to kill some time and that's good enough =)
Vex 18 years ago
the only quests that'll ever turn green on you are maybe underbog/slavepens & ramparts.

by the time you finish all the quests in a zone they'll still be yellow cause its a LOT of xp to grind ><

my priest is 68 now, and the only quests she hasnt done was eel meat in zangar ( i hate water ) & mirrin's trust in hellfire. nothing ever turned green.

debating finishing BEM (gayzone) or going to netherstorm now.

at any rate it'll have to wait til sunday cause im outta town this weekend =x
Mileron 18 years ago
my priest is 68 now, and the only quests she hasnt done was eel meat in zangar ( i hate water )

Animal drops in Zangarmarsh are crazy stupid.

43 eels for 8 meat
27 spore bats for 4 eyes
19 striders for 4 tentacles

You get the idea.

My mage and hunter are both nearly 65, with just a small handful of quests including those for Coilfang left to complete Zangarmarsh.
Den 18 years ago
I play sometimes. Actually I'm tired of the blood elf, I don't like the horde side at all. Not sure why, just don't. I haven't played hardcore since EQ and believe me, I don't need to play wow like that. I'd work 8 hrs and then play 8hrs - a lot of regret built up into the obsession. Besides, I have TAC, help run SA - I write and do art on top of chasing Catherine around and making a baby with the husband. I play when I want to kill some time and that's good enough =)

I wasn't criticizing you not playing, per se, but that your husband plays with your characters to level them. I totally understand not having the time or inclination. I was assuming the hubbies were playing their wives characters to level them up for the wives, but it sounds like the hubbies are just playing the wives charries because they like to...? My bad for assuming lol
ROzbeans 18 years ago
No offense taken, Shay =D I guess Veb plays my characters so when I decide I'm interested again, she'll be close to his level. I left her originally at 54 and then half played her till 60. Then he and I goofed around until the expansion but I got caught up in the BE which I got to 21 before stalling out. I think my priest is 63 now but eh, I'll get back to it again. It is interesting but we play after catherine goes to bed pretty much and I just get so frickin tired doing the same thing. =x
Calimaryn 18 years ago
LB is leveling me because he had the week off. Our guild is a raiding guild and they gave everyone 4 weeks to level to 70 before we begin raiding new content. With our week in Colorado and upcoming overnight NJ trip on the 10th we dont have that much time. So when he took two weeks off to my one, he leveled us both as much as possible.

I like to play but I dont want it to become a job. Even with him getting me up to 67 (ok I did maybe 3 levels of that personally), its becoming 'work'. I have enough work in my life and dont need more. I like to just enjoy games now. I want to waste time in Second Life, play with GuildWars more and keep my SA vamps up to date along with keeping house, watching like 3 tv shows a week and reading my favorite authors.

Oh, its not a "Have to be 70" its more of a carrot of 50 free raid points should we be 70 upon the 16th of Feb. LB doesnt really enjoy playin or dragging me around, he just had the time and was leveling himself so did it anyways. heh
Gilae 18 years ago
Hey gang...I've started playing again. The kidling is a year old and the new expansion was an impetus to start playing. I started a BE on Tichondrius (named Gilae of course) and have made a "bet" with a friend that I can hit 40 by President's day...we shall see if I can or not. I'm a slow leveler especially since I still have to be a mommy while David is awake. I haven't got a single toon to 60...I have a 45 undead warlock on one server, a 50 human warrior on another server, and a 40 night elf warrior on a third server. Why did everyone have to spread out so much lol! But finally my rl friends convinced me to just stick on the server they're on...I keep trying to recruit old SolRo friends to join me

I think it's funny Roz that you prefer alliance and I prefer horde...exact opposite of EQ!
Tornt 18 years ago
Did anyone else take the free server move to Ravencrest? That's where I'm playing for now, 64 Priest named Tornty on alliance. I don't play very often though.