So I'm watching this video of what this little 12 year artist prodigy chick thinks heaven looks like. To her its Oprah's backyard, apparently so I turn and ask Mike, 'What does heaven look like to you? Does it have flowers and shit?'
I'm so poetic, I know.
So in addition to your zombie plan, I ask - what does heaven look like to you? I won't add any specifics, I'll just keep it as simple and as broad as that.
18 years ago
I can remember when I was in High School and with my high school sweetheart, who's little sister we were with all the time because his parents were at the bar all the time and stuff. She even used to sleep with us. I think she was around 9 or so and one of her parents friends died and she asked me about it. I told her heaven's was whatever you like to do the most and that everyone's heaven was different. I asked her what the guy liked to do and she told me and i told her that's what he was doing in heaven then. I guess still today my idea of what heaven is you get to do whatever it is you love the most all the time.

18 years ago
i dunno what heaven would look like as i'm not catholic or whatever, but i'm a spiritualist 
if i have to think of something then i would say that it's filled with light... something like that :P

if i have to think of something then i would say that it's filled with light... something like that :P

18 years ago
Heaven, for me, would be that time in Autumn that lasts about one day; that day that's still warm but with just a bit of a chill in the air to let you know it's on its way. The sky is that intense, almost electric blue, and the sun is gentle and bathes everything in soft light. The trees have changed color but not completely, so you see green peeking here and there, as well as the evergreens. It will be an apple orchard, and I'll be able to reach up and pick whichever apple I choose and it will always be perfect. There will be monarch butterflies here and there, quick glances of orange reminiscent of the fading summer. The air will smell of woodsmoke and of the falling leaves and ripe hay... I'll be in sweater, jeans and hiking boots, and walking among the tall grass and apple trees. With me, not necessarily right next to me but wandering amongst the trees will be my loves; my family that has passed before me, and I will seek out my toddler niece who left us way too early and suddenly.
Ahem... so uh, yeah. When those days come, that's what I think; "This is what heaven must be like".
Heaven, for me, would be that time in Autumn that lasts about one day; that day that's still warm but with just a bit of a chill in the air to let you know it's on its way. The sky is that intense, almost electric blue, and the sun is gentle and bathes everything in soft light. The trees have changed color but not completely, so you see green peeking here and there, as well as the evergreens. It will be an apple orchard, and I'll be able to reach up and pick whichever apple I choose and it will always be perfect. There will be monarch butterflies here and there, quick glances of orange reminiscent of the fading summer. The air will smell of woodsmoke and of the falling leaves and ripe hay... I'll be in sweater, jeans and hiking boots, and walking among the tall grass and apple trees. With me, not necessarily right next to me but wandering amongst the trees will be my loves; my family that has passed before me, and I will seek out my toddler niece who left us way too early and suddenly.

18 years ago
0 calorie oreo cake + cookie monsters that never melt the ice cream on top.
oh. and susan nekkid on my bed!
oh. and susan nekkid on my bed!

18 years ago
...who's Susan?

18 years ago
Her new girlflriend.

18 years ago
my future girlfriend. All i need is to run her bf off and get her alone in a room. which probably won't be that hard! i don't spend all her money & i'm probably better at sex.

18 years ago
/covers eyes

18 years ago
A vast untamed wilderness. Mountain country.
18 years ago
A Whopper with Cheese.. and Susan!
Sorry couldnt resist.
Sorry couldnt resist.

18 years ago

18 years ago
Kharnage pretty much summed up mine. Except mine also has a long deserted sandy beach, with rocky outcrops to climb up on and watch the sea. A horse to ride bareback, so at one with each other that only my thought will guide him. It's warm, but not hot (I dont like the heat), and the breeze is gentle. A meadow filled with wild flowers, with a clear sparkling stream running through it, a weeping willow caressing the surface with its branches. A decidious forest, oaks, acers, horse chestnuts, you name it, they're all there. Wild strawberries, berry bushes. The higher you go, the more evergreens are seen until it becomes a boreal forest, with snow capped mountains beyond.
/dream off
/dream off