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sorry to oke but did our start date slip?

Verileah 18 years ago
No worries. It was meant to start at midnight tonight but considering the turnout I think it's safe to say we'll be extending.

We'lre going to shoot for a start date of Wednesday, July 26th.
Verileah 18 years ago
Alrighty, seems like at this time there was not the expected interest in the mafia. What we're going to do is put the game on hold for a while and revist at a later date. Everyone's bio will be saved for if/when this game gets off the ground.

Anyone wanting to play is welcome to sign up and write a bio so it'll be ready when we kick off.
Vulash 18 years ago
Sorry the timing was just horribly off for me - I talked ot Verileah about it so I didn't post. Hopefully I can make this then when it does kick off
Ashmore 18 years ago
Alrighty, seems like at this time there was not the expected interest in the mafia. What we're going to do is put the game on hold for a while and revist at a later date. Everyone's bio will be saved for if/when this game gets off the ground.

Anyone wanting to play is welcome to sign up and write a bio so it'll be ready when we kick off.

*sniff sniff*
Do I need to go beat up some homeless people give them internet access and force them to play?
Verileah 17 years ago
Alright, we're trying this again as promised. You may have already received an email with the schedule, and it is also posted above.

Good luck, and here's hoping this gets kicked off successfully!