RIP Thumbalina
The rat that used to play WoW in my sig passed to a lung infection. She had to be euthinzed because she was suffocating slowly (feet, tail turning blue). Sad day in my house to a very lovable and interactive creature.
Her dueling record stood at 47-10-3. She never could beat a warlock.
17 years ago

17 years ago
My condolences, sir.

17 years ago

17 years ago

17 years ago
how long did she live?

17 years ago
Aw, I'm sorry for your loss, Prosecution.

17 years ago
Just shy of 2 years. In rat years she was about 70. So a full and happy rat life. A bit earlier then I would like to have seen her go, but guess thats life. Her last day I took her off her meds and let her drink beer to her hearts content, because she was deprived of good drink for the last 3 months while she was on antibiotics. So she went happy.
how long did she live?
Just shy of 2 years. In rat years she was about 70. So a full and happy rat life. A bit earlier then I would like to have seen her go, but guess thats life. Her last day I took her off her meds and let her drink beer to her hearts content, because she was deprived of good drink for the last 3 months while she was on antibiotics. So she went happy.

17 years ago
Sorry to hear bro.

17 years ago
My sympathy and condolences.

17 years ago
awe, Sorry to hear that =( poor gal