Gen Con

Ok.. yeah, I know it's still 5 months away, but I was wondering if any of you were going to Gen con. Hubby & I are most likely going (so long as I can get the 'rents to watch the kiddo's), and was wondering if anyone else was going & if ya wanted to meet up! ie

ROzbeans 17 years ago
I think Vex goes to that. Where is at this year?
Adiene 17 years ago
One day I will be able to go
Some guy from one of the companies contacted me not to long ago about using one of my pictures on their flyer o.O Just waiting for the guy doing the layout to show me what he wants to do now ... *taps foot* lol
Verity 17 years ago
I think Vex goes to that. Where is at this year?

It's in Indianapolis every year. There used to be one in anaheim, CA ( I think), but they aren't doing it this year. There is also one in Berkshire, England.
Vex 17 years ago
Its only been in Indy for the last 5ish years, before that it was in milwaukee for like 35 years or something.

but, my dumbass isn't going this year. I got the pre-reg email, I read it, I even told my friends about it, but the thought of actually REGISTERING and reserving hotel etc completely fell out of my head, and i just remembered like last week.

im spoiled and so if i can't stay in the hyatt or westin or canturbury, I'm not going >.<

Its ok, saved me $1k or so /sigh. Next year.
Vex 17 years ago
indy signed a 10yr contract with GenCon so its gonna be there for a few more years at least.

its fucking niiice. I love Circle Center Mall