dragon rider - with Vexxis

the first image i did with Vexxis i felt i didnt do her alot of justice... so last night i created another one... with a friend... her dragon.........(note how she holds onto his finger)....


i posted this over at Daz Plat gallery...... and also at DA....oh and apologies for the size...

comments are welcome..

ROzbeans 17 years ago
Ooh, she's pretty and the colors of her dress go great with the surrounding background. I like the texture on the dragon, very believable and not uber smooth. C/C wise - maybe a little heavier shadow under them though? Considering how bright it is, I would figure the shadows would be darker. I think the model looks beautiful, that is such a gorgeous model =D
Artemis 17 years ago
yeah... dontcha hate it when you see the image bigger and notice all the defects ? lol...
thanks roz!!! critique taken onboard..
Adiene 17 years ago
Still <3 it ... darn you and the dragon! lol