RAM & Harddrives

So.. I'm looking to upgrade my RAM, and definately in the market for a new hard drive. I will most likely be getting an external harddrive, so that isn't so important. I am however looking to upgrade my ram to at least 2 gigs, possibly 3 if I can convince my hubby. PC's pretty old (a little over 2.5 years I think). We only have the $$ to replace one of our PC's, and since my hubby's blew up & is no longer working, his is getting replaced frst. I will probably have to wait at least a year or so before I get a new one , hence the reason for upgrading my ram.

My question is... How the hell do I figure out what motherboard I have, so that I can be sure I order the right ram? I tried looking in the device manager, but I don't see it anywhere. (unless It's right there, & I'm just blind ) and does anyone have any reccomendations on type/brands of ram?

Mileron 17 years ago
My question is... How the hell do I figure out what motherboard I have, so that I can be sure I order the right ram?

Was it purchased, or built by hand?

If it was purchased it should be pretty easy to look up the specifications of the computer on the 'Net, then take the memory type from that list to a known configurator like Newegg or Tigerdirect.

If it was built by hand you'll have to open the PC itself and inspect the motherboard directly to find its model number.
Verity 17 years ago
It was a special order from cyberpower, I probably should have saved everything, & think I did, but it's buried in a box somewhere from our recent move.
I actually did find a program that you can run that gives you all the info about your PC, & found out what motherboard I have.
Adiene 17 years ago
dude you still got the link , I had it downloaded but comp crashed and I can't remember where I got it lol
Verity 17 years ago
http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=1385 is where I got it from! Hope that helps!
Adiene 17 years ago
yay thanks =D