Max = #1 Dog's name. Max = #1 Cat's name.

Whither 'Spot'? Whither 'Puff'?

Posted by Bill Hageman at 2:45 p.m. CDT.
For the fifth year in a row, the most popular dog and cat name in the United States is Max.
This disappointing news comes from Veterinary Pet Insurance, which analyzed its 450,000 insured clients and came up with lists of the top 10 dog and cat names.
The top 10 dog names:
1. Max
2. Molly
3. Buddy
4. Bella
5. Lucy
6. Maggie
7. Daisy
8. Jake
9. Bailey
10. Rocky
And for cats:
1. Max.
2. Chloe
3. Lucy
4. Tigger
5. Tiger
6. Smokey
7. Oliver
8. Bella
9. Sophie
10. Princess

Notice there aren't a lot of real dog or cat names on the lists. Maggie? Molly? Oliver? Sounds like someone taking attendance at preschool. Whatever happened to real pet names, like Butterball, Whiskers, White Fang or Black Tooth?
No. We get Max.
Carol McConnell, vice president and chief veterinary officer for VPI, says Max continues to be popular, ". . . largely due to the fact that it is monosyllabic and simple for people and pets to remember, yet easy to distinguish from common commands. Plus, it’s a fitting name for an active, energetic pet.”
That's her opinion.
So, before we slip further into this monosyllabic society, we have to ask: What's the best name you've ever given one of your pets?

What have your animals' names been?

We had a dog we named Esmerelda - Ezme for short.

Our cats have been Discus (orange like a shotput but we decided that would be a bad idea), Zeus (often very regal), Toby (came with the name) and Jerry (came with the name.)

Our gerbils have been Harry Potter (he had a lightning bolt mark on his head!) Gerry, Patch (white and brown patches), Ivory (she was ivory colored, really!), Ebony (jet black), and I honestly don't remember the names of the other 37-some.

I don't remember our snake or hermit crab names, but my brother's hamster was Hampton.

Darsa 17 years ago
We have Chowda (cat, short for Chowdahead) and Cupcake (dog). Until recently had Butter (hamster), may she R.I.P.

In the past we've had Cassidy, Blue, Stupid, Domino, Ginger... all cats; Cupcake is my first dawg evah! She sez "hi!"

And Chowda is an ol' lady who's sick and cranky right now; she sez "yeh, whatever"
Laschae 17 years ago
Let's see...I didn't have many pets growing up cuz we lived in an apartment. But I once had a chihuahua named Toy (I was 7 and not creative I suppose). Then there was Petey the bunny, my mom named him after some doctor she thought was hot I think. Next I had a rottweiler named Baby she was the best dog ever and such a sweet girl. And of course my black cat Trouble, and very briefly I had a kitten when I was 15/16 named Freddie but my mom didn't like taking care of him while I was at school so we gave him away =(

Currently we have 2 dogs, Sammy (boy) and Annabelle (girlygirl) and a turtle named Steve (Kami wanted to name him LeJay after some boy she thought was cute).

Bleh I forgot I had some hamsters lol I remember one was named Nonny (after Madonna o' course!) I forget the other ones name but she ate her babies and I didn't much like her after I woke up one morning with half eatten hamster babies on the floor around her cage. We used to have chicken wire on the patio of our apartment so we could let Petey run around out there and I would take the hamsters out there. I guess Nonny squeezed out of the wire and ran away.
Vex 17 years ago
cats: cathead, patches, smokey, bandit

dogs: spanky, yogi, dookie, fred, tippy, cody, little bit, skittles, buster

hamster: mr. hamster

ferret: eddie

just about all i can really remember
Den 17 years ago
Omg - Lasche you reminded me of a litter Dixie had, when I was about 11. It was summer time, and my dad used to lock the garage to keep my brothers out of it :P. Anyway, because I wanted to show the hamster litter to some friends, I got the cage out of the garage, and set it in the shade in the morning. Unfortunately my friends never came over, the shade disappeared after a few hours and the cage remained in the scorching sun the rest of the day... ... ... poor little hairless babies cooked! Dixie was fine though, burrowing down into the sawdust, totally forgetting about her babies :P

Needless to say I was heartbroken, and felt guilty as hell...until she had another three litters :P
Jetamio 17 years ago
Hmm, oldest to recent...

Cats ~ Catana (KiKi for short cos I couldnt say his name when I was like 2 ;p)
Squealer (she never shuts up)
Cat Ballou

Dogs ~ Only ever had one, called Sam.

Rabbits ~ Stew. Yes I know, lack of imagination.
Buffy (i still have the scars from where this little *bleep* bit me.)

Horses! ~
Murphy (he was mine <3)
Fera (after Ricky Fera the ice hockey player)
Bilbo Baggins.

We only named Fera ourselves though, as we bought him as a foal. Rest came with those names.

Probably more but so long ago now I forgot them all.

Oh and Bud the budgie