Moved offices...AGAIN
Gone is my cute little office, to be replaced by...*shudders* a CUBE!!!!!
It's really not that bad...high walls, and the very last one on the aisle, so it still seems a lot more private that anyone elses. When my kid moves up next month, her cube will be directly over the high wall from me

17 years ago
ack! Why are they moving you again?
17 years ago
Well, about five years ago my big boss bought out the company I originally went to work for. He already had another company, that sort of compliments this company, so it was a good move for him. However, the company he already had was in one building, clear across town, and then there was our building which was way closer to where I lived.
In April of this year he decided to consolidate the offices, having laid off a few people. However, the office clear across town, where we had to move to then, really wasn't big enough. So he went out and bought this building, which is fricking HUGE!!! (although over half of it can't be used due to code issues...long story). Anyway, even though there are plenty of offices for each of us, due to that code issue it will cost him another $15-$20k to get them up to code to use, and that ain't happening anytime soon.
So, for now, the lower echelon are relegated to cubicles. All things considered, I really lucked did my daughter, with where our cubes are located. The person I feel bad for is my direct boss, who now has to share an office! Funny though, all the people who work for the company my boss owned originally...have their own, private offices.
*shakes head*
However...something else that kinda makes me feel better about the whole thing...
A couple years ago I was given my own printer. I print out tons of things on a daily basis...contracts galore, appraisals, invoices, memos, emails, etc., way more than anyone the need for my own printer was legit.
Interestingly, during the move this weekend, my printer wound up on the desk of the VP to the other company! The sticker that I'd placed on it had been removed, and my friend told me she heard that the VP needed a printer, so they gave her mine! Now, she hasn't had one ever before...and they didn't mention this to me...which is the part that pisses me off the most...none the less, I took the printer back, hooked it up and put it on my desk, figuring the worse they would do is take it away from me, and I'd have to requisition another one.
No one has said a word...and the printer is still on my desk!
"It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission..."
In April of this year he decided to consolidate the offices, having laid off a few people. However, the office clear across town, where we had to move to then, really wasn't big enough. So he went out and bought this building, which is fricking HUGE!!! (although over half of it can't be used due to code issues...long story). Anyway, even though there are plenty of offices for each of us, due to that code issue it will cost him another $15-$20k to get them up to code to use, and that ain't happening anytime soon.
So, for now, the lower echelon are relegated to cubicles. All things considered, I really lucked did my daughter, with where our cubes are located. The person I feel bad for is my direct boss, who now has to share an office! Funny though, all the people who work for the company my boss owned originally...have their own, private offices.
*shakes head*
However...something else that kinda makes me feel better about the whole thing...
A couple years ago I was given my own printer. I print out tons of things on a daily basis...contracts galore, appraisals, invoices, memos, emails, etc., way more than anyone the need for my own printer was legit.
Interestingly, during the move this weekend, my printer wound up on the desk of the VP to the other company! The sticker that I'd placed on it had been removed, and my friend told me she heard that the VP needed a printer, so they gave her mine! Now, she hasn't had one ever before...and they didn't mention this to me...which is the part that pisses me off the most...none the less, I took the printer back, hooked it up and put it on my desk, figuring the worse they would do is take it away from me, and I'd have to requisition another one.
No one has said a word...and the printer is still on my desk!
"It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission..."

17 years ago
The quest manager who oversees this office is talking about moving the whole thing to its own storefront offices. The building itself is being sold, but god willing that'll happen after I leave. I miss our old 2 story house that wouldn't warm up above 60 degrees during the winter. I had such a big office =( Granted I kicked out 3 people for this office, 2 of which I think are still pissed at me, but what do I care =D
Yeah for the printer victory!
Yeah for the printer victory!
17 years ago
Ugh - yea...speaking of heat...since 6:30 this morning its gone from 60, all the way up to feet hurt, they're so cold! Going to go get some heavy slipper socks at lunch:P

17 years ago
When it comes to a working environment, I think I am one of the luckiest people! I work for one of the largest banks in the country and I work from my home office. All I need to do my job in an internet connection a phone and a fax machine. If I get bored on a teleconference, I can turn on my home computer and look at forums like this one.
I really love the set up! The only problem is that the men in the house (my hubby and stepson) seem not to understand that "work at home" means leave me alone during working hours.
I really love the set up! The only problem is that the men in the house (my hubby and stepson) seem not to understand that "work at home" means leave me alone during working hours.

17 years ago
I'm trying to score a work at home job when we move back to Washington. The city I'm going to is too far from the nearest ExamOne office - however I could do scheduling from home for either the Seattle or Portland offices. Just a question of convincing my VP. =x He's talked about opening a small office for me in Tacoma, but it's one of those things you don't ask about - not trying to count any chickens, ya dig? He brought it up twice, I can only hope. Otherwise I'm going to apply for a job on base and have federal days off like thy husband =D

17 years ago
Good luck, it would be great if you can convince the powers that be that you can do your job very effectively at home! I do have to warn you, that no matter what their age, kids don't seen to understand that "work from home" is the same as working in the office, you can't be interrupted every time something interesting is on TV.