How do You Entice People to Come Here and Post?

It took me a few months, but I did get Drewe to sign up and actually post

I've mentioned this place to a few friends I thought might like it, but in most cases they have "busy lives" what with being newly married or moving to new houses or what have you.

And I've seen a few folks randomly online that might find it interesting but am generally unsure of how they'd respond to me dropping a message saying "hey, check out this place" because it feels like shilling or spamming or something.

But I've no idea how to broach saying "hey come over to this community I like, we have a pissed off crayon as a mascot and boobies galore!"

Well maybe notsomuch the boobies, but you know what I mean.

And I realize that in 2008 folks probably have forty million different internet communities to visit...

Heck I know I visit at least a dozen daily and interact even on some minor level.

My main question is... "How do you advertise this place to people one-to-one?"

Vex 16 years ago
well. viriu ( a resident lurker here ) was in my guild. I think basically i did my magelo, and her hubby saw it, wanted one ( actually 2.. hehe ) and then me and her talked about art, then i said "hey i halfrun tac. come look" and she did.

i mean, if someone likes art, or lit, just say "i know a forum/community..with boobies" or whatever.
Den 16 years ago
Hey Mil...maybe Silver would like TAC...? He's the only 'artsy' person I can think of atm. Not that I think TAC is art exclusive...else I certainly wouldn't be here :P
Drewe 16 years ago

Mileron told me about TAC a long time ago -- I actually joined in 2007, lurked around here and there, however, I never posted until just the other day.

I think what got me interested in TAC was good ole word of mouth-- honest testimonials from forum members. In my case, Mileron and Den talking about TAC and how much fun it is here.

So -- that's my take on it - keep talking about it and eventually people will join and post. (Even though it may take some almost a year to post something!!)
Den 16 years ago
LOL - good av!
ROzbeans 16 years ago
I straight up whore the site. =D
Four Winds 16 years ago
Ditto. Mentioned it to a couple of artists I commissioned on deviantArt who either did 3D model work or realistic style digital painting.
Sabby 16 years ago
I straight up whore the site. =D

Does the little man have an Ike shirt yet?!

*pictures Roz taking him to the part in a stroller with Ike shirt on him*
ROzbeans 16 years ago
He does but he's still too small for it hehe.
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
When people ask about the graphics I've made I tell them "if you like this you should see what they're coming up with over at TAC!!" Or I'll casually mention mafia - and how stressed I am that they're gonna lynch me and they're like - mafia? lynch??

Since I'm so sporadic at posting I honestly do not know if anyone (other than my mother!!) has taken me up on checking it out....
Beli 16 years ago
Roz sure did whore this site out. Every time an exchange came up, she'd nudge me to check it out! She's shameless and that's why I like her so much. LOL.

And I like the name "The Angry Crayon." Sarcastic names lure me in. Sounds a lot better than visiting some hug-kisses-lovey-dovey titled site with pastel board colors. (My apologies if anyone actually has a board like this. I plead ignorance!)
Laire 16 years ago
Yeah roz is why I'm here too. It took me a while to cave in to the "whoring" but I'm glad I did. Though I'm still semi lurker due to work taking over my life.