How do You Entice People to Come Here and Post?
It took me a few months, but I did get Drewe to sign up and actually post
I've mentioned this place to a few friends I thought might like it, but in most cases they have "busy lives" what with being newly married or moving to new houses or what have you.
And I've seen a few folks randomly online that might find it interesting but am generally unsure of how they'd respond to me dropping a message saying "hey, check out this place" because it feels like shilling or spamming or something.
But I've no idea how to broach saying "hey come over to this community I like, we have a pissed off crayon as a mascot and boobies galore!"
Well maybe notsomuch the boobies, but you know what I mean.
And I realize that in 2008 folks probably have forty million different internet communities to visit...
Heck I know I visit at least a dozen daily and interact even on some minor level.
My main question is... "How do you advertise this place to people one-to-one?"
i mean, if someone likes art, or lit, just say "i know a forum/community..with boobies" or whatever.
Mileron told me about TAC a long time ago -- I actually joined in 2007, lurked around here and there, however, I never posted until just the other day.
I think what got me interested in TAC was good ole word of mouth-- honest testimonials from forum members. In my case, Mileron and Den talking about TAC and how much fun it is here.
So -- that's my take on it - keep talking about it and eventually people will join and post. (Even though it may take some almost a year to post something!!)
I straight up whore the site. =D
Does the little man have an Ike shirt yet?!
*pictures Roz taking him to the part in a stroller with Ike shirt on him*
Since I'm so sporadic at posting I honestly do not know if anyone (other than my mother!!) has taken me up on checking it out....
And I like the name "The Angry Crayon." Sarcastic names lure me in. Sounds a lot better than visiting some hug-kisses-lovey-dovey titled site with pastel board colors. (My apologies if anyone actually has a board like this. I plead ignorance!)