Only a Liberals
can change lives!

16 years ago
Seriously, what is your problem? I was kind of wondering why you were so mad when you posted your Oscar thread, too. Two terms of a republican president, and -you're- pissed? Really?

16 years ago
People do stupid shit all the time.. don't have to be a "liberal" to do that.
And btw being a Democrat doesn't make you a liberal. Just right.
(I kid, I kid...)
And btw being a Democrat doesn't make you a liberal. Just right.
(I kid, I kid...)

16 years ago
all sergon knows how to do is bitch about things that he doesn't like.
16 years ago
On a side note: Voter registration records reveal that Ortiz, who supports Clinton, is registered Republican.

16 years ago
Im not voting as I have stated before. The main reason because none of the candidates I like or feel are good for the country and yes I don't care for smug liberals.If it upsets you that much by all means I apologize and pull the post down or rename it something else.
Sorry for the offensive post.
Sorry for the offensive post.

16 years ago
*thinks* I'm wondering if you're feeling like you're being treated in a smug way here, on TAC, or if the hostility toward smug liberals (is that all liberals, then, or just a certain kind?) is more of a general response to the world at large. I haven't noticed smug liberalism, to be honest, on this board. So that kind of post feels a little bit 'what the hell' to me.

16 years ago
Most Republicans I know (a handful, not a lot) want Hillary to win the primary because McCain has a real chance of beating her. I don't know about McCain versus Obama. Hillary and Obama are pretty similiar in a lot of issues. One is just vastly more unlikeable than the other.

16 years ago
I know Beli, I don't find Obama likeable either either ( *snerk* ) Seriously though my voye is already decided and *if* Obama gets the nom... I doubt I will vote since I despise McCain (and republican politics) and there's something about Obama that my instincts just don;t like. And I WANTED to like him. But if there's an option for voting for a woman.. any woman.. my vote is there. Hell if it was a woman republican I might actually consider it.
I am sexist, yes.
And none of my comments are meant to be offensive, derogatory or in any way negative towards anyone here at TAC. The best thing about our government is the fact that EVERYONE is allowed their own opinion and to voice it as often as they want.
Most Republicans I know (a handful, not a lot) want Hillary to win the primary because McCain has a real chance of beating her. I don't know about McCain versus Obama. Hillary and Obama are pretty similiar in a lot of issues. One is just vastly more unlikeable than the other.
I know Beli, I don't find Obama likeable either either ( *snerk* ) Seriously though my voye is already decided and *if* Obama gets the nom... I doubt I will vote since I despise McCain (and republican politics) and there's something about Obama that my instincts just don;t like. And I WANTED to like him. But if there's an option for voting for a woman.. any woman.. my vote is there. Hell if it was a woman republican I might actually consider it.
I am sexist, yes.
And none of my comments are meant to be offensive, derogatory or in any way negative towards anyone here at TAC. The best thing about our government is the fact that EVERYONE is allowed their own opinion and to voice it as often as they want.

16 years ago
To clarify. 1. Im not a republican 2. I did not vote for bush 3. Im an independent fiscal conservative.
The liberals I speak about the most are Hollywood Elites and The Media. People like Angie, George clooney are perfect examples. Al gore is another he preaches about global warming due to man made green house gases then hops in his 737 and flies off. The media distorts information daily to promote thier own politcal agenda. A perfect example is this weeks New York Times McCain butchered story with no facts.
Those are the liberals of which I speak. I hope that clears it up some.
Truth be known I think Obama is a pretty decent guy who really does motivate through speech. I cant vote for him because of his Tax, and Healthcare policy. I may go do a write in though on voting day to say I actually voted.
The liberals I speak about the most are Hollywood Elites and The Media. People like Angie, George clooney are perfect examples. Al gore is another he preaches about global warming due to man made green house gases then hops in his 737 and flies off. The media distorts information daily to promote thier own politcal agenda. A perfect example is this weeks New York Times McCain butchered story with no facts.
Those are the liberals of which I speak. I hope that clears it up some.
Truth be known I think Obama is a pretty decent guy who really does motivate through speech. I cant vote for him because of his Tax, and Healthcare policy. I may go do a write in though on voting day to say I actually voted.

16 years ago
Oh! I'm a registered independent (which is why I couldn't vote in the primaries).
. I'll admit to leaning more and more to the left since I first registered in high
I'm also frustrated by the media, spreading 'Obama is a scary Muslim' 'Obama hates the American Flag' I wish that meme would die :\.
Anyway, that does clear things up, thank you. I really want TAC to be a friendly place for everyone. You seemed ticked off, I get introspective and take it personally :X.
A nice guy on another board posted some polling data that might interest y'all.
February 24th -
Barack Obama 54%, Hillary Clinton 38%, Other 1%, Undecided 7% (CBS News/NY Times)
Barack Obama 51%, Hillary Clinton 39% (USA Today/Gallup)
Barack Obama 45%, Hillary Clinton 42% (Rasmussen Tracking Poll)
Barack Obama 46%, Hillary Clinton 43%, Other 5%, No Opinion 6% (Associated Press/Ipsos)
Barack Obama 47%, Hillary Clinton 45%, Mike Gravel 1%, Other 1%, No Opinion 6% (Gallup Daily Tracking Poll)
McCain vs. Democrats Nationally
February 24th -
Clinton/McCain: 46/46 Obama/McCain: 50/38 (CBS/NY TImes)
Clinton/McCain: 39/50 Obama/McCain: 51/48 (USA Today/Gallup)
Clinton/McCain: 42/47 Obama/McCain: 45/47 (Rasmussen Tracking)
Clinton/McCain: 48/43 Obama/McCain: 51/41 (Associated Press/Ipsos)

I'm also frustrated by the media, spreading 'Obama is a scary Muslim' 'Obama hates the American Flag' I wish that meme would die :\.
Anyway, that does clear things up, thank you. I really want TAC to be a friendly place for everyone. You seemed ticked off, I get introspective and take it personally :X.
A nice guy on another board posted some polling data that might interest y'all.
February 24th -
Barack Obama 54%, Hillary Clinton 38%, Other 1%, Undecided 7% (CBS News/NY Times)
Barack Obama 51%, Hillary Clinton 39% (USA Today/Gallup)
Barack Obama 45%, Hillary Clinton 42% (Rasmussen Tracking Poll)
Barack Obama 46%, Hillary Clinton 43%, Other 5%, No Opinion 6% (Associated Press/Ipsos)
Barack Obama 47%, Hillary Clinton 45%, Mike Gravel 1%, Other 1%, No Opinion 6% (Gallup Daily Tracking Poll)
McCain vs. Democrats Nationally
February 24th -
Clinton/McCain: 46/46 Obama/McCain: 50/38 (CBS/NY TImes)
Clinton/McCain: 39/50 Obama/McCain: 51/48 (USA Today/Gallup)
Clinton/McCain: 42/47 Obama/McCain: 45/47 (Rasmussen Tracking)
Clinton/McCain: 48/43 Obama/McCain: 51/41 (Associated Press/Ipsos)

16 years ago
It has been very interesting watching Hillary though and the lows shes stooped to this past couple of weeks due to her falling poll numbers. She is the master of using the liberal press to her advantage. I applaud Obama for taking on the Clinton machine and winning.

16 years ago
OBAMA for the win. Let's brown up the white house!

16 years ago
I agree with you Temprah, on Obama... something is just pinging my instincts with him. I want to like him, as well, especially considering I'm not terribly impressed with Hilary =/
16 years ago
I really dont think McCain has a chance. I think Obama is going to beat out Hillary. Of course, looking back at my football predictions, Ralph Nader will probably go all the way now!!!
And I am also registered as Independent. I didn't vote last election because I didn't like either choice, and this year isn't looking much better. Oh, Ross Perot, where are you when we need you?
And I am also registered as Independent. I didn't vote last election because I didn't like either choice, and this year isn't looking much better. Oh, Ross Perot, where are you when we need you?

16 years ago
How about a Nader/Perot Ticket! We will see how the election goes when we get a better understanding of how Obama plans to pay for all his changes which is something we have not gotten in to yet. I know he is planning on raising taxes on the "Rich" which is a tax bracket my household fits in to and parting with another 15-20 grand a year really does not sit well with me.
16 years ago
Yeah, I'm not a big fan on raising taxes, myself. I'd rather see the income tax disappear completely and go with a higher sales tax, as some have suggested. The models I have seen of that plan are pretty interesting. Of course, that would mean abolishing the IRS, which I doubt will ever happen.