Great Deal on a 28" Viewsonic LCD

If I had the cash lying around I would have one.


ROzbeans 16 years ago
Good lord, that's friggin huge.
Temprah 16 years ago
wow... Me likey. Too bad that monitor costs as much as a basic computer system o_O
Mileron 16 years ago
LCD monitors without USB ports on them need to just not be sold.

That said, I wouldn't turn one of those down if it appeared on my doorstep.
Den 16 years ago
Jeez! I'd have to sit clear across the room to use a monitor that big, and I doubt my mouse or keyboard will reach. (don't like wireless either) I won't say never, because I did say I'd never have a computer one time...but I just don't see me ever getting a monitor that big.
Vex 16 years ago
pretty soon the smallest monitor you can buy will be a 24" , so expect it sometime, den, unless you plan an early death lol
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
Ack!!! Not HDMI!!!! HDMI Hates me!!!
Den 16 years ago
pretty soon the smallest monitor you can buy will be a 24" , so expect it sometime, den, unless you plan an early death lol

Bah - I still have a 13 inch tv in my bedroom. By that time I'll be so old and blind I'll need a 24" one! lol
Drewe 16 years ago
I have recently realized I need to get something bigger than my 19" TV that I've had for years -- My eyes are 40-something and even with glasses, I can't read subtitles in movies or the scrolling news text on CNN!!
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
LOL - I am dreading the day I move out of my sisters - her boyfriend got her a 40 inch flat panel for christmas last year - and for some reason my 27" just doesn't do it for me anymore...
Temprah 16 years ago
Tiger has for leap day, today ONLY a 28" for $449!
Sergon 16 years ago
A steal

FyreGarnett 16 years ago
i just want the cable that will let me hook up my laptop to the 40" - I would love to play my games on that!!
Sergon 16 years ago
You can do that if you have a video card that has an hdmi output or a TV with a DB9 Input.

FyreGarnett 16 years ago
According to both the TV and my laptop, the possibility is there - it's just the matter of the cable in between that's missing. that sucker runs about $40 and I just can't justify even that piddling amount in order to irritate my sister with EQ2 even more than I do now!!
Sergon 16 years ago
Hmm which cable are you missing? You can get HDMI cables on ebay for under 10 bucks.

FyreGarnett 16 years ago
Just so we know we be on the same page - i took a picture of my "connections area". The top row is the docking station - I don't use it very often. The main reason I got it was to accomodate dual monitors. but it requires keeping my desk clear enough to actually plug the laptop in and I rarely use my laptop in my room. (I keep it in the great room so I can keep an I on the kiddo while i kill stuff in EQ2!!) The bottom row would be the laptop.

#1 & 2 are where I've been told I can hook up the TV with the right cable. For the life of me I cannot remember what the cable was called (not enough coffee in my system yet this morning) - it was not an HDMI cable though. I have one of those on the TV right now, not that we use it. See the HDMI thread I posted awhile back to see that list of irritations. Since the docking station is usually upstairs, I'd rather not go that route. If I'm gonna hookk the thing up to the TV, I'd rather do it directly off the laptop.

#3 I have no clue what this is or what I could possibly plug into it.

Heck, I just figured out in the past few weeks that I have 4 USB slots in the laptop itself. one of them is not marked on the top of the computer so I missed it since it is right next to the power cable and I don't actually look at it when I plug it in!

Sergon 16 years ago
Actually on your Docking station you have a component cable output. The Red Green Blue ports to the left of number 2. It appears you have an svideo port on the station. I would just go to radio shack and tell the clerk there you want a 3-6 foot component cable and use the R G B. On the back of the TV you should see component input for video 1, 2, 3. 3 on your machine is a firewire port. One appears to be a PS2 port.

Something link this one. Ask for the cheapest one they have in the store.
Linus 16 years ago
a lot of tv's also have a hookup for monitor cables as well so check that too. Also, the red blue green cables are cheap like sergon said but they are analog and as such have no major difference from the red yellow white cables that you probably have a million of lying around the house. They will work just fine for what you need them to do and you probably won't have to spend money to do it.

Unless someone has had a major issue doing what I said and they want to post about it, I have used/still use red yellow and white as red blue green on the tv in my bedroom hooked to my dvd player and I see no reason to change so just do it up and enjoy.