RIP Gary Gygax

Sorry to see him go this young. His creations have enriched my life.


Mileron 16 years ago
Even the dice fail the Master GM.
ROzbeans 16 years ago
Mylec 16 years ago
He missed his saving throw and nobody had a rez scroll. =(

He was the father of RPGs. Sad day, indeed.
Kelefane 16 years ago
If it wasnt for him -- I doubt there would be an EQ or a WoW.
Sergon 16 years ago
I still have my first run DnD box set my brother and I bought in 1977 along with a lot of the first run advanced hard backs. I wont part with them.

Mylec 16 years ago
I still have my first run DnD box set my brother and I bought in 1977 along with a lot of the first run advanced hard backs. I wont part with them.


Keep on the Borderlands 4TW lol.
Kelefane 16 years ago
Those old 1st edition AD&D books worth anything these days? Or the modules?