The Offering

This probably has the most postwork I've yet attempted on a piece - and a good portion of that was because Poser suddenly started hating me. Oy. Have to admit, though, it was rather fun trying to make some of the details more 3d by playing with dodge and burn.


V4 w/Lillith
Beatzarre hair w/Bandido
Oil Cult
DM's Lost Land
Didi Background (probably a freebie...)
Coming up blank on the headpiece...

Jetamio 16 years ago
ROzbeans 16 years ago
Ooooooh. Overall it came out beautifully. C/c wise -

Your lighting is off with where you dodged - your left vase had light coming off it, but your piece on the right isn't, that doesn't make sense with your light source. Personal preference, I'd ease up on the skulls being so bright, I'd soften the shadows around the edges, but not with the burn tool.

Burning gives you more of that red color - not so much shadowing. I'd go in with a smokey black color and paint in the shadows instead. Same with on the floor - too much red with the burning. That is if you burned the floor - it looks like you did, at least.

The border does not flow with the piece at all. The striking is too bold - maybe fade it or thin out the border on the side. The design isn't even either and that just draws your eye away from the girl and to it.

Again over, I dig the pose (very secksee) and the overall colors are very complimentary. Her shadows rendered nicely on her, as well.
Lillaanya 16 years ago
An alternate to using the dodge and burn tools that is as effective but easier to control is to use a new layer, set it to dodge for highlights and multiply for shadows and paint them in using black and white (or whatever degree of grey) I find that for me it gives me a lot more control cause i can smudge them around then without messing up the piece underneath,
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
This one was done with no burn, though i did use the dodge here and there. Had to re-render the background - I lost the unaltered version somehow. For some reason the color changed a bit - not sure what I changed in the settings that didn't get saved. I think the shadows turned out better - though there's an odd outline arund her lower body that I'm not sure where it came from or how to get rid of it without making a mess of it.

I'll try the using white rather than dodge next time around. I've learned quite a bit in the alst few days playing with this one! Thanks guys!!