Wayn -- quick CC

I wont be working on this one much longer. Anyone have some quick CC before I show it to the guy? He's an illusionist in a high end raiding guild in EQ2. The background is Veeshan's Peak in Sky Fire.

Lunna 16 years ago

Here's the origainl screenshot.
ROzbeans 16 years ago
Holy smokes that is dark - or maybe it's my father's computer. I'd duplicate the character layer and adjust the lighting levels on it.

The background - I'd blend the lava flow, you can see the pixel cut off but I don't think you're that far yet =x
Lunna 16 years ago
Lunna 16 years ago
Is that better? He's suposed to be a brownie. The spell effects look wierd to me now tho. I did a little liquify action on his head and elbow and blended the lava flow more. I've done some work on it already. All the backlit highlights on the rocks and such arn't in the original screenshot.
ROzbeans 16 years ago
Maybe it's because I don't recognize the texture of his robe, but the lighting doesn't seem bright enough at all. He's really really dark - I can barely tell what his face looks like. I know part of it has to be my computer but when you think about it, the lava should be casting more of an orange glow on the rocks around it - the water falls on the right for example. That carving in the rock is dark but its still very dark.

Are you using photoshop?
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
there is something odd about the spell effects - my initial thought is that they should somehow wrap around is hands a bit - not alot, but maybe a bit of lighting on them?

On this monitor, it's on the dark side, though still visible. But alot of the detail seems to be missing... oh! I know! The spell effects should be casting some light on the clothing as well! (And don't even ask me how to pull that off!!)
Lunna 16 years ago
Yeah, I'm using PhotoShop. These are in game screenshots from EQ2. Wayn was happy with it and it wasn't too dark for him so I left it after toying with the settings and not finding anything that didn't wash it out completely. I did however redo the spell effects which were yucky anyway.

FyreGarnett 16 years ago
now that is pretty cool! I like the spell effects - turned out very well! Great job!
ROzbeans 16 years ago
If he loves it, that's all that matters =D
Jetamio 16 years ago
Love the swirly spell effects!