Yay for good news, for a change!

Good to see that there are young people in the world today you can actually be PROUD of...


FyreGarnett 16 years ago
Now that is what sportsmanship is REALLY about!!!
Mylec 16 years ago
Its unfortunate that women's sports do not get much news coverage but at least this story has been making headlines (although sadly enough, I have yet to see any actual footage anywhere). They should show the tape of this to the majority of the selfish, millionaire, "me me me", wannabe gangstas who are too busy learning how to make it rain in the stripclubs to be bothered with something as petty as sportsmanship. I cant even think of the last sports story I have read that showed that kind of sportmanship and character.
tamaelia 16 years ago
That's a lovely story I'm sure those girls will look back on that game with such pride and dignity, the watching crowd must have been truly humbled and awed by that rare display of compassion.

I printed it out to take to the school I work at as I thought the teachers might like to reference it somehow.Thanks for sharing it Darsa