Vishanti 16 years ago
It's impressive, but I'm not sure I'd want to touch her. That amount of flexibility in my mind equates to no huggability. If she completely relaxed, I wonder if she'd even maintain a normal shape or if she'd just crumple.

Of course, it reminds me that I've been slacking off on maintaining my own flexibility. I really need to work on it
Darsa 16 years ago
I wonder if she'd even maintain a normal shape or if she'd just crumple.

Got a visual in my brain on this... been chuckling for a while now!
Lillaanya 16 years ago
Wow thats just bizarre
Linus 16 years ago
It's impressive, but I'm not sure I'd want to touch her.

Oh, I'd touch her.
Adiene 16 years ago
psshhh ... I can do that heh o_O
Linus 16 years ago
Pics or it didn't happen.