
I dare yall to rent this movie.

I havent been so jumpy during a movie in a loooonggg time. It automatically makes my top 10 all time horror movie list and that says a lot coming from me.

Its Blair Witch project style....done via video cam entire time. Its about a LA news crew who follows this fire department team into a building answering a disturbed call. Little do they know a deadly virus is inside the building making everyone it comes across into Zombiefied flesh eaters....if you wanna call them Zombies? I dunno heh...I think the virus was rabies really.

Anyhow, the government automatically closes the building off and quarantines it with everyone inside of it (The Firemen and a few random Cops) and of course, the news crew. And they are in for one hell of a nightmare.

Not a lot of gore, there is some.....but its more jump out of your seat horror than anything.....a few cool death scenes etc.....

Of course the Government does a coverup saying everyone was rescued about mid way through it......So you can kinda guess how it ends without me spoiling it much.

Its no B movie. Its actually quite well done and acted. It has the main character from Hostel 1 in it....and the main news crews chick does a great job...especially at the end of the movie with how freaked out she gets....and the tension just builds and builds.

If you are into horror like I am - Go rent this movie...its awesome.

Lillyanna-Windmane 15 years ago
Hubby and I rented that a month or so ago for date night.

Great movie, it reminded me a lot of, "28 days later." I actually screamed at some part that made me jump. hehe
Faeini 15 years ago
i hate scary movies (yep i'm childish :P) but this one got me wanting to watch it , i liked clover field it had parts where i couldnt stop laughing..husband thought it was a stupid movie but he hates alot i dont like ... maybe i'll talk my brother in getting the movie for amovie nite .
ROzbeans 15 years ago

Just watched this tonight and I fucking screamed so loud at the ending that I scared the hell out of Mike. He jumped out of his chair and was like, 'GOD DAMNIT ROZ!' LOL EXCELLENT horror movie. You saw just enough to practically pee your pants.

I fucking loved it.
Kelefane 15 years ago

Just watched this tonight and I fucking screamed so loud at the ending that I scared the hell out of Mike. He jumped out of his chair and was like, 'GOD DAMNIT ROZ!' LOL EXCELLENT horror movie. You saw just enough to practically pee your pants.

I fucking loved it.

Told you =P This flick rocks and IMO if the dead woke, it would be just like that.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
It was the screeching!!! /shudders!
Adiene 15 years ago
hehe i own it =/ course I buy everything when it comes out ... lol i suck like that
Den 15 years ago

No comment.
Vebran 15 years ago

No comment.

I'm confused. Does this mean that you liked it? Or you didn't? Or you didn't but didn't want to comment by saying no comment???:confused:

And since it was explained to be rabies, I won't ever watch it. I need my flesh eating, coming back from the dead people to be zombies damn it.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
They did eat flesh and come back from the dead. Mike says 'They're not zombies...no.'

What a snob.
Den 15 years ago
I didn't like it. I really don't like movies that are shot in such darkness that you have difficulty seeing what's going on. I always feel somewhat cheated, as if its not a good enough story to shoot where you CAN see what's going on. I also didn't find it scary. And I thought the whole premise was kind lame.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
I don't like movies that are dark either - like we tried watching Escape from LA at a drive-in. We couldn't see a damn thing...granted that movie sucked balls so no real loss there.

There were some parts that were just too confusing to tell what was going on, but seriously once the CDC got into the building and shit started going downhill, all the screeching and darkness really ramped up my nerves. I was so into the movie that when it got to the ending, when Scott was panning around with the camera up in the small room above the attic apartment...even though I KNEW what was going to happen, when the creepy guy jumped out, I was literally scared out of my mind.

I gotta say, the main 3 actors - the girl, cameraman, and Jake the fireman, had me going, especially the woman. She was so fucking terrified that she could barely speak, when she tried, it was this barely audible noise. I was so literally on the edge of my seat that I screamed a real, honest to god, terrified scream.

This movie isn't original, not by a long shot. In fact it's a remake of another country's film, and lord knows the storyline isn't unique, but the weirdness of the camera movement, the darkness, and the straight up scary noises did it for me.

I fucking loved it lol.
Den 15 years ago
I've decided its the supernatural, and psychological terror that scares me...very little else does.
Kelefane 15 years ago
I loved it because, it was so damn realistic and the actors were a bunch of no names.

The atmosphere, how stuff was taking place and how the people were acting during the crisis was awesome and pretty much spot on.

It was done through the eyes of a reporter and chances are, if we found out anything like this ever did happen in real life, this would be the kind of content we'd see.

Add all of that up, and its why this movie rocked and its what made it realistic.

What is more psychological than having the dead wake craving human flesh? Out of EVERY single horror flick scenerio, the dead waking and their intentions, the way we see them, is the single most horrorfying thing that could come live out any horror movie angle.

These Zombies in Quarentine however were the kind from 28 days and 28 weeks later, Veb, which btw, are two of my fav horror flicks of all time.
Den 15 years ago
The dead waking like this is something I don't believe can happen. I have to believe something is possible for it to be scary to me. I can find zombie movies entertaining, but I certainly don't believe they're possible, any more than vampire movies, which I also don't find at all scary.
Kelefane 15 years ago
You need to broaden your horror movie horizon then =P

Did you like Friday the 13th? That could happen. Maybe not to the extent, of a man dying, coming back to life again and again...but as far as the brutality of those flicks go and someone killing people in brutal ways, it could very well happen.

Same thing for Halloween.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
Horror movies aren't meant to be 100% realistic. I seriously don't understand why people walk into a movie and expect to be 'fooled' or something. You're suppose to suspend reality. You're suppose to believe, if only for 120 mins, that what you're seeing, is happening outside. I felt that terror the reporter was feeling. I'd be fucking screaming for the light, too. Darkness is a primal fear and to say you're not afraid of it, even only a little, is bullshit. It's what I CANT see that scares the fuck out of me.

I LOVE to be scared. Absolutely fucking frightened. Do I really believe this COULD happen? Of course not. But is it scary to think that it might? Hell yeah!

It's entertainment, stop sweating the small stuff.
Trakhina 15 years ago
What helped Jennifer Carpenter get the role as the reporter is both her work in Dexter, as his sister, and her contortionism in the Exorcism of Emily Rose. The final act of the movie is most memorable but the rest was meh. If you really want to think of this film as psychological, imagine *insert strain of virus here* and the CDC locking you in this building well or not to die. You may not be able to suspend belief for zombies, vampires or other supernatural beings but quarantining is very real, has happened and will continue to over the world. What would you do? *sudden cheesy orchestration here*

Btw, I love movies, especially horror flicks and anytime they don't scare me, I sit thinking on how the scenerio can be changed to make it scary. Not trying to be an ass.
Vulash 15 years ago
I've just never been able to get into horror movies - for some reason they always come across as cheesy to me. I guess I can think of a few exceptions.
Kelefane 15 years ago
I wanna come out of a horror movie feeling shocked and dirty and like I did something wrong by watching it.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
I wanna come out of a horror movie feeling shocked and dirty and like I did something wrong by watching it.

LOL Kele, you and me have got to go see some horror movie together and get pissed drunk before hand. That would be so much fun!