AFK to West Virginia...maybe...probably
My mother, a filipino national-born and bred, will be having her American Citizenship interview on the 18th. Should be rather quick - she's 65 and has been in the U.S. for over 30 years so I think they'll ask her her name and if she's a terrorist and then call it a day. Hopefully she gets sworn in that same day, if not - then disregard the rest of this post. If she DOES get sworn in the same day:
I (along with said new American citizen mother, Catherine, and David) will be leaving for Shepherdstown WV on the 19th and will be gone until 8/31. This will be David's 2nd flight, but the first time he'll actually be mobile and able to be the screamy little thug he's turned into. The first time Catherine flew, she was 3 years old, so anyone who has advice for me - feel free.
I'm worried about transporting him in between flights - we stop over in Atlanta - but it's a day flight so I'm hoping he gets a good nap in, if not the two he'll be missing. We're bringing a DVD player and headphones, but I know David won't keep them on. He's watched the dvd player in the car without the sound on, unfortunately I think Catherine will have to watch Curious George the movie about 5 times. =/
I don't know, I'm worried. Lugging the kids AND my 'scared to fly - are we lost? - this airport is too big' mother across country for her to see her new granddaughter and my brother. I can already feel the pain from throwing my back out and pulling my hair out by the roots.

Used to love asking for as many decks of cards as they'd give me (do airlines even carry those anymore?) since it was free throwing ammo for when I got home.

I dunno - my kid's always been good on planes, it's a fucking miracle considering her ASD.
Does David cooperate with a stroller? The airline should be able to set you up with some accommodations if there's anything you think would be helpful, including having a stroller waiting for you right when you deplane. Don't remember if he's too old/petulant for that.
Grats to your mom btw

Yeah you can take a stroller down to the door and then they throw it down to the cargo for you. It'll be there when we get off so I figure I'll just do that while Catherine holds the car seat. She's hoping they'll drive us around on those little carts, which I might be able to swing since my mother can't walk that far for very long, so we'll see. That would be easier.

I think its just those pre-(doing something here) that you havent done before jitters for the most part that a lot have when flying.
I thought the USO was for active duty, not their dependents. I wouldn't feel comfortable dragging my kids up in there anyway - Mike said active duty guys coming home often use it to sleep and they don't need a 1 year old screaming his head off for his juicy juice or grapes.
My dad hasn't been active duty since '97, but my mom took me to one of those during a layover back in '05. There wasn't a whole lot going on at the time, just people playing on the computers (infected from lots of porn surfing) and getting the free food/drink.