Oh hi!

Sup...I'm trollin'!!!! de

ROzbeans 14 years ago
GILLY!!!! le /hugs!
Gilae 14 years ago
I still need to talk to you about that thing I wanted you to do I oughta send you a lengthy email!!! Hehe.

What's happening over here? My signatures don't work...my website is down lol.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Nothing much, just the same ole same ole. Running a combined art/mafia thing right now - both themed Angels&Demons. That was Jetamio's idea, not sure if you remember/know her.

Pharren is still an agnsty little squirrel of anger. Kelefane is still playing Everquest. Still a lot of 3d art peeps around. Wystro is running a weekly drawing thingy. A lot of the regulars are still here or at least come and go. What's up with you??!!
pharren 14 years ago
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Oh and I'm playing WoW with Greywood and Keriath and Spirtis (Biddan's friend that was in HoF with us on Icecrown) on Dalaran, if you ever get the inclination! Bring the mexican! He ignored my messages on Facebook
Gilae 14 years ago
I should...I still am paying for the bloody account. Maybe I should move an 80 over hehe. What level are you guys? Taco has a toon on another server but I don't know if he's playing. I've been meaning to call him and Mirabela for a few weeks now. I shall bug him.
pharren 14 years ago
We are 80 and Greywood is our guild leader! We raid twice a week; pretty much a casual guild right now. Usually it's just me and Spirtis online, so don't expect full-blown partytime or anything. But you know the channel to find us in, if you do stop by. ALLIANCE BTW CUZ HORDE SUX
Gilae 14 years ago
Ew...fairy alliance!! Well my warrior is still over on whatsit so I could move it and level her up. Sounds boring though. Maynardo still plays so I could push him around to come too. He's been begging me to play.
Gilae 14 years ago
I haven't moved my toon over but she's only 46...May moved an 80 over. I only have 2 80s and they're both horde...so I guess I'll have to level to catch up or else make a death knight.
Gilae 14 years ago
What are your toon names?
pharren 14 years ago
Just join the channel! All Greywood's characters have "Grey" in them. Spirtis is Malorie and Menopaws mostly, and I pretty much only play my druid Feb right now. I don't know if you knew Zmeegul/Korrinn in EQ but he plays Korrinn. You should know everyone else except for this guy Delac, but he won't bite.
Gilae 14 years ago
I was on for a while last night. Grey was on but he was AFK...I joined the channel and all. I'll try and log on for some tonight but I have rehearsal and for some reason I'm exhausted this morning. I'm level 5!! WOOOO!! I don't know if I can stomach leveling another toon. I may have to move one lol.
pharren 14 years ago
Server is down for 24h maintenance, so you get a reprieve.
Gilae 14 years ago
That blows...whenever a server goes down I feel righteously indignant. Cause maybe I want to play after all!!!!