MIX IT UP! Chatter & Questions

Here is the place for any questions or any Mix It Up event related discussion!

Kilandra 13 years ago
lol yeah I had to come check just in case, since it's technically sunday here now tee hee
Eve 13 years ago
Impatient lot aren't ya!? Fine, I'll go open it up for all you night owls
Beli 13 years ago
I was just swinging by, too. My night is just beginning actually. Waiting for pizza to arrive (lost track of time and whoa, it's 9 p.m.) and for kid to pass out. Then I head out to the 24 hour grocery store where I can shop without a fussy toddler or obnoxious people blocking the aisles.
Lessa 13 years ago
For those of you who have DA accounts, don't forget to submit your art there as well, we will add them to the TAC club galleries and I will feature in my journal.
brandydeshea 13 years ago
ok...i'm the newbie...i am ready to post...how do i attach my images? Do i need to upload elsewhere? When I try the insert image, I only get the option for listing a url..help?
Lessa 13 years ago
just do it the normal way hun

if you need to host it, you can use Imageshack.com, its free and will show all size images.
brandydeshea 13 years ago
thanks sweetie