Good gravy!
So far I love it - she looks super lovely. Are you going to change the color coming off the lights? Or are you reworking the lighting you said? Very cool though - looking forward to seeing the next WIP! Been a while since we've had anyone show some WIP, I totally miss this!
I've never done this before and I don't know what is making me want to do it this time, but here's a WIP shot of a new pic I'm working on! I like to see progress shots and WIPs from my favorite artists, so I thought it might be cool to show it off. Any comments/critiques are welcome!
This is a very early WIP. I've just sort of placed the sparklies in, haven't touched them since. Right now I'm working on rim lighting then maybe move on to the sparklies or adjust the background or somesuch.

13 years ago

13 years ago
YES! I love people showing of WIPs! ;D I dunno what made me want to do it this time. But I was like.. hmm, progress shots are epic, I should do some for TAC.
Yeah, the sparkly is going to be purple like the lighting. So far its very subtle, but I'll make the purple pop a lot more. It'll make a nice contrast against the red (although hopefully not too warm what with red in purple, we'll see!)
Yeah, the sparkly is going to be purple like the lighting. So far its very subtle, but I'll make the purple pop a lot more. It'll make a nice contrast against the red (although hopefully not too warm what with red in purple, we'll see!)

13 years ago
Looks like it's gonna end up as epic as the pirate one I love so much! Can't wait to see more hon

13 years ago
Ehehe I hope so! 
Here's an update! Making progress on the lighting, but it still isn't quite there. With how BRIGHT this sparkly is, definitely gonna have to notch up the lighting. I may still darken the sparkly, haven't decided yet. Her little potion-lantern is very fantasy-y so its not supposed to look like a real flame with wick and all that.
I did more rim on the girl as well as the environment with still some more to go. Also added depth of field and sparkly eyes!
I think maybe the sparkly needs more variation. We'll see

Here's an update! Making progress on the lighting, but it still isn't quite there. With how BRIGHT this sparkly is, definitely gonna have to notch up the lighting. I may still darken the sparkly, haven't decided yet. Her little potion-lantern is very fantasy-y so its not supposed to look like a real flame with wick and all that.
I did more rim on the girl as well as the environment with still some more to go. Also added depth of field and sparkly eyes!
I think maybe the sparkly needs more variation. We'll see

13 years ago
Damn but you make me green the way you paint in lighting! That alone always makes your stuff POP even without all the other gorgeous painting you add

13 years ago
<3 Thanks, Eve!
You make me blush D:
Here's anudder update.
Moar sparklies and lighting. Sometimes I think I put too much in lol I still feel like it's missing something, specifically in the lower right part of the pic. I need to work on the table a little bit more as well. I'll take a look at it again at another time with fresh eyes. It might all be too bright. All comments/suggestions/etc welcome still!

Here's anudder update.
Moar sparklies and lighting. Sometimes I think I put too much in lol I still feel like it's missing something, specifically in the lower right part of the pic. I need to work on the table a little bit more as well. I'll take a look at it again at another time with fresh eyes. It might all be too bright. All comments/suggestions/etc welcome still!

13 years ago
I don't honestly feel like it's missing anything down there. As it is right now, the eye easily travels from the lamp to her, and over to the table, with her drawing you back again. So yeah, a few more of your final touches and I'd consider her done
The purple sparklies and glow looks much better now btw.

13 years ago
it's missing your sig down there, and nothing else LOL That is amazing, but all your work is amazing. Absolutely gorgeous

13 years ago
Ok I was afraid to ask because I didn't want to look like a noob, but when you talk about rim lighting - what is that? Plus how are you getting the lighting so exact? I think the light on the left looks awesome - not missing anything. The entire picture is pretty damn incredible. What's your original straight render look like compared to the postworked? That I'd love to see!

13 years ago
me too! I want to see how this began hehe

13 years ago
/cough My straight renders tend to be really awful.
And no noobishness! The rim lighting is the lighting I paint on the edges of objects, characters, etc to seem like it's lit on the 'rim'. I actually don't do it logically, I do it more artistically. Like, realistically, a lot of this rim probably wouldn't be here. Rim lighting is mostly for when things are lit from behind.
So, for this pic. The rim lighting is the extremely saturated purples and yellow/oranges on the edge of the girl and other places. Like you can really see it on the right edge of the table.
As for exacting on the lighting. A lot LOT of my pics are painted lighting. Lots of levels and adjustment layers, etc. I can never get perfect lighting inside the program. I'm just a postworker at heart. I haven't learned the ins and outs of lighting in a 3D sense to really be able to do it better in DS.
Okay. Here is the straight render from DS (plus a black background because it was PNG). As you can see. My whole pics are postworked lololol I rendered this three different times. One base render. One AO render (the base has AO, but I wanted more). One for the background because I wanted it separate for depth of field blur. The one below is just base.

I haven't since worked on this yet (so many pics in the works plus games, plus family, overwhelmed!), but if you guys are still interested in taking journeys with me through a WIP, I've got another I have to work on that requires loads more postwork.
And no noobishness! The rim lighting is the lighting I paint on the edges of objects, characters, etc to seem like it's lit on the 'rim'. I actually don't do it logically, I do it more artistically. Like, realistically, a lot of this rim probably wouldn't be here. Rim lighting is mostly for when things are lit from behind.
So, for this pic. The rim lighting is the extremely saturated purples and yellow/oranges on the edge of the girl and other places. Like you can really see it on the right edge of the table.
As for exacting on the lighting. A lot LOT of my pics are painted lighting. Lots of levels and adjustment layers, etc. I can never get perfect lighting inside the program. I'm just a postworker at heart. I haven't learned the ins and outs of lighting in a 3D sense to really be able to do it better in DS.
Okay. Here is the straight render from DS (plus a black background because it was PNG). As you can see. My whole pics are postworked lololol I rendered this three different times. One base render. One AO render (the base has AO, but I wanted more). One for the background because I wanted it separate for depth of field blur. The one below is just base.

I haven't since worked on this yet (so many pics in the works plus games, plus family, overwhelmed!), but if you guys are still interested in taking journeys with me through a WIP, I've got another I have to work on that requires loads more postwork.


13 years ago
Allllsoooo! Thank you guys so much for the support and the uber epic comments <3 I appreciate them all very much and they all make me giddy like a dork x_x ;D

13 years ago
wow. Just wow. I knew you did a great deal of work on your renders afterwards, with your wonderful, WONDERFUL painting, but that base render just really put it that much more into perspective. You are so talented, thank you for sharing that gift with us!

13 years ago
Wow is all i can really say, as lame as that is. I love WIP threads too, always exciting to see how someone gets the wonderful pieces they have.

13 years ago
Wow you do postwork a lot! I'm horrible at it, so I try and get the lighting right the best I can beforehand and it always takes Vex's help lol. Your pirate one is still my absolute fav, but this is definitely giving it a run for its money!

13 years ago
Thanks guys!
Yeah someday I might take the time to make my stuff look better in the 3d program. Just takes so long and can be incredibly tedious. Postwork is just fun which is why I usually have crappy renders that I can just fix in PS. lol
Yeah Pirate is a pretty nice picture that I, myself, actually like a lot. I don't usually like my stuff too much. It was one of my more postworked pieces even though there was no hair or clothing painting. A lot of fixing and effects.
Some of my most postworked ones are the ones here for TAC
Meeka, Wystro, etc. I can't help it, I love my PS!

Yeah someday I might take the time to make my stuff look better in the 3d program. Just takes so long and can be incredibly tedious. Postwork is just fun which is why I usually have crappy renders that I can just fix in PS. lol
Yeah Pirate is a pretty nice picture that I, myself, actually like a lot. I don't usually like my stuff too much. It was one of my more postworked pieces even though there was no hair or clothing painting. A lot of fixing and effects.
Some of my most postworked ones are the ones here for TAC

13 years ago
Ha I was gonna ask to see your non post worked render too. Lighting blows so I do the post work shit in too sometimes. Depends on how much time I wanna spend in photoshop.

13 years ago
Exactly how lighting in DS is for me. Depends on how much time I wanna spend in the program. Obvs I didn't wanna spend too much time in DS with this pic lulz

13 years ago
I loves WIP's to see the changes is crazy cool.
This looks great btw! The effects you create in the post work (even tho your original renders are pretty far from horrible missy!) are fantastical!
This looks great btw! The effects you create in the post work (even tho your original renders are pretty far from horrible missy!) are fantastical!

13 years ago