NoTAC Thank You Thread

OMG Beli! That so rocks hon I'm all half asleep here, figured I'd see if anyone had turned in yet and I'm all awwing away and then I get to yours. Silly woman! Thanks so much hon I would love to have her without any of the text, so I can print it out when I get my new color printer hooked up here one of these days. *waits for Wystro to thump her over the head since she still hasn't hooked the printer up yet*

Darsa 13 years ago
LOL, Brandy, Darsa looks amazing as a witch!! I love them, thank you so much! And I think you're the first ever person to actually make her "look" like a barbarian, body-shape-wise. Including myself, I get SO impatient trying to fit the clothes, lol.

THANK YOU!!! : :
Jetamio 13 years ago
Oooh can Tajer tell everyone she say Eire in a dress? *snicker*
KaAnna 13 years ago
Yes! Halloween emoticons!

Thank you so much to Lessa and Eve for the great event!! I love these so <3 <3 Awesome art everyone, so great to see so much participation and such excellent, varied art!
EireDOrakaa 13 years ago
Tajer...Jet...if you do *grins* you know what Eire'll do to ya! Taj, would make nice statuary in her 'garden'. *grins wickedly*
Lessa 13 years ago
Yes! Halloween emoticons!

Thank you so much to Lessa and Eve for the great event!! I love these so <3 <3 Awesome art everyone, so great to see so much participation and such excellent, varied art!

Eve gets all the credit for this one, I think, but I will put in my share for the next.
Dia 13 years ago
Wystro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- even that many !'s can't convey my excitement and gratitude.
I love it all it's wonderfully perfect! Thank you thank you so much!
quiarrah 13 years ago
Thank you for my lovely Pirate Janthin. She is very pretty!
Vaia 13 years ago
Thank you, Aellas! I got a great laugh out of that ;D Never saw it coming. Would have been really cute with Yoshi,, but was still great without!
Aellas 13 years ago
yeah I am sad yoshi didn't work out or my toon version Edward Scissor handesque Orchid .
Janthin 13 years ago
Sorry, been so busy I couldn't get by here to say thanks. So, thanks, Quiarrah! Lovely picture.