I wrote a book.

So, today's the day. Starting off a little anticlimactic. There was no call from Brian Williams or Matt Lauer about my book, but that's ok. Blood Memory: Book 1 is now available for download now at the following links:

Amazon - kindle edition: http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Memory-Book-1-ebook/dp/B009Y7MYEK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351694434&sr=8-1&keywords=blood+memory+rosalind

Smashwords.com - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/249444

And will be available at Barnes&Noble's NOOK selection, (hopefully) ibookstore at itunes, and in print at Amazon.com . If ya'll can do me a favor, and if you haven't already done it, please push the shit out of my author page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ROz-Hartmann/214825465203879 and Blood Memory's book page - https://www.facebook.com/BloodMemoryBook1 .

Again thank you for all the support. This book would not have been possible without teenage angst, Kat Snell, Brandy Varner Walker, Noel Varner, Jennifer Whetstone-Lotz, and the crew at www.sanguineaffliction.com where the universe was created.

If you're not even sure what I'm talking about - I wrote a paranormal/action-adventure/vampire-werewolf (yes, I know) fiction book. I'm proud of it, well more that I put it out there for the world to see my flaws and predilections than anything. My expectations are low, so really I'm high on the curve right now lol. Basically if 1 person I don't know buys it, reads it, and likes it...goal achieved. If you read it, please post an HONEST review of what you thought of it at the site you got it from or either of my pages. Just enjoy it. I did writing it.

Thanks again, ya'll!

Verileah 12 years ago
My plan is to order the book for the Nook when it comes available, and order a print version from Amazon to keep special like. If I were to order a copy and have it shipped to you, is it possible I could get it signed?

Also: /squeeee omg
ROzbeans 12 years ago
I went exclusive with Amazon for the first couple of months to utilize their marketing and was only on the Nook for a half second, but once this select thing runs out with Amazon, it'll go up everywhere =)

And omg of course I'll sign it for you, Veri =D teehee! First printed proof was jacked. Probably would have helped if I had read the guidelines for formatting, hehe. Just submitted the fixed, updated version. Should get it in a couple days, and if all goes well, will be available for print purchase in a week!
ROzbeans 12 years ago

Click for a preview of the book.
Vulash 12 years ago
My kindle is having issues, but I ordered it! I think I'm going to wait to read it in paperback though. Let me know when paperback is ready to go! Also, I'll be sending one to sign too I think ;D
ROzbeans 12 years ago
Fo sho, Vulash =) Thanks for supporting me!
pharren 12 years ago
I got the Kindle version, but I don't have a Kindle. I downloaded the app, but ehh... I think I'll wait for a physical copy too. Besides, how cool is that, owning a real book written by someone you know?
ROzbeans 12 years ago
I keep telling people, "Yeah but it's self published." But it's still kinda cool for me to say it out loud with no one in the room with me, hehe.
ROzbeans 12 years ago

Printed format is available! Use discount code: y73xqzf3 for 30% off

EBOOK is still FREE! http://amzn.to/TGdgr9
Vulash 12 years ago
It has arrived!
ROzbeans 12 years ago
Take a picture of yourself holding it and put it on facebook, Tim!!! (JUMPS UP AND DOWN!)
pharren 12 years ago
I'll do it when mine arrives.
ROzbeans 12 years ago
I'll do it when mine arrives.

Vulash 12 years ago
I'll do it tomorrow when I have someone to help me take the picture! (plus I plan to shave and get a haircut *cough*)
Eve 12 years ago
So I finished this one... when is the next one coming?!
ROzbeans 12 years ago
Hopefully here in the next couple of months I'll get it all slapped together. Just a lot to sort through that I've already written.
ROzbeans 12 years ago

Doing a guest author blog thingy - kinda cool. Leave a comment/question TODAY (1/22/13) for a chance to win a signed printed copy. So cool hehe.
Merreck 12 years ago
Congratulations, Roz! I think it's awesome that you're published, and I can't wait to check out your book once I get a job and can buy it!
ROzbeans 12 years ago

It's actually free right now at several places - follow the link, yo! And hi Merreck!!!
Merreck 12 years ago
Woot woot! Just downloaded it... so excited to get to the reading, seems right up my alley!
ROzbeans 12 years ago
Thanks, dear! It's ok if you don't like it! Any feedback, good or bad, is welcomed! =D