Also: /squeeee omg

So, today's the day. Starting off a little anticlimactic. There was no call from Brian Williams or Matt Lauer about my book, but that's ok. Blood Memory: Book 1 is now available for download now at the following links:
Amazon - kindle edition: -
And will be available at Barnes&Noble's NOOK selection, (hopefully) ibookstore at itunes, and in print at . If ya'll can do me a favor, and if you haven't already done it, please push the shit out of my author page -
Again thank you for all the support. This book would not have been possible without teenage angst, Kat Snell, Brandy Varner Walker, Noel Varner, Jennifer Whetstone-Lotz, and the crew at where the universe was created.
If you're not even sure what I'm talking about - I wrote a paranormal/action-adventure/
Thanks again, ya'll!
I'll do it when mine arrives.