HM - The Mafia Round #4 /ooc

Didn't see an OOC thread to discuss this yet. Feel free to split this off if you see fit.

Here are the clues -I- see in Claras death scene

The word age / ages is mentioned three times:

Clara thought it held a unique grandeur from some lost age

You’ve been left all alone for ages now, haven’t you

She seemed to fall for ages

This of course, I beleive, points towards Summer.

Also this:
So sudden was this surge of outside emotion (and the cold, god, the cold) that Clara startled.

The mention of outside could point towards the two who went outside of the house. Summer and Gilbert.

Mentioning Gilbert, here is something that may be a clue towards him:
the feel of the house, was all wrong in some ways, Clara thought it held a unique grandeur from some lost age.

Gilbert Grape is mentally handicap, this may be a far stretch. Who knows.


Just my thoughts on this scene thus far. =)

*edit to clarify I was talking about Claras death scene*

Verileah 19 years ago
Yes, I suck and forgot to make a thread.
immy 19 years ago
*hugs Veri*
Grimknot 19 years ago
/ooc on the ooc
Mainly I think the delay, due to no fault of Verileah's, has caused people to lose interest a tad bit. Seems the game has come to a sudden halt I hope this doesn't deter people from playing X-men or future games.

Coincidentally I was thinking of asking Rev to help me run a game after this one is over and before X-men. A more fast paced one to get in before the start of Xmen. Also this would give Veri and Geeii a chance to play.

Anyway, back to discussion. I've thought that Summer was good for the SK from the start but logic convinced me she wasn't. Too short and small to use a garrote. Too small to stab a heathen in the neck. But then again who says anything in a haunted house with a talking painting has to be logical.

All I can say is I would of made the kid the SK w/ the psychotic serial killer personality manifesting in her make believe friend. I just don't think the manners in which the first two victims died support that.

Still on the fence on this one.
Vulash 19 years ago
The word cloudy was mentioned too, but I won't have a chance to go over the clues v bios for a few hours I think.

Good work immy
Vulash 19 years ago
You other fuckers that aren't posting any really need to post too - the late votes and no posts from people slow it down and hurt it for the rest of us - thanks
Vulash 19 years ago
My post wasn't meant to be offensive I appologize if it came across that way.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
My post wasn't meant to be offensive I appologize if it came across that way.

I know you love us when you call us fuckers, vulash.
Rasberry 19 years ago
I'm offended by the apology. Fuck apologies.
Dia 19 years ago
im sticking with creepy ass kid! ( but i still love you creepy kid *gives you lolli*)
Mai 19 years ago
Awww thanks for the lolli.. of course, I wouldn't trust you guys not to poison my lollipop.
Mai 19 years ago
As far as the accusations go...that's great and all but it still doesn't fit for all of them.

The recurring themes in the hits have been cold and darkness, not age.
immy 19 years ago
Anyway, back to discussion. I've thought that Summer was good for the SK from the start but logic convinced me she wasn't. Too short and small to use a garrote. Too small to stab a heathen in the neck. But then again who says anything in a haunted house with a talking painting has to be logical.

All I can say is I would of made the kid the SK w/ the psychotic serial killer personality manifesting in her make believe friend. I just don't think the manners in which the first two victims died support that.

Claras death was a Mafia hit, not SK.
I don't think Summer is the SK, but I do beleive she has my vote as a Mafia member.
Mai 19 years ago
It should still make sense in all the mafia hits and the clues don't point to her in all of them.
MEC 19 years ago
So, was Gilbert mafia?
Mai 19 years ago
Good question. One could hope so.
Rasberry 19 years ago
I think Maewyn is practicing what stage magicians like to call the "hey, look over there"

a theme in her recent posts thus far have been more or less been this:

As far as the accusations go...that's great and all but it still doesn't fit for all of them.

...the clues don't point to her in all of them.

So she admits that they DO point to her, just not all of them, so she must be innocent right?


The mafia consists of more then one person, so it would make sense that more then one person would be doing the killing. Maewyn is counting on us making the exact opposite assumption. The only kills that have to have the same clues in every post are the SK kills... since there is only ONE SK. We established earlier that there are probably at least four mafia... a somewhat higher pool of clues to choose from.

So no, not all the mafia clues point to summer, and it wouldnt make sense for them to.

There are, however, multiple references to age, and when you combine that with the flawed logic Maewyn is trying to divert our attention with... it adds up to this

Summer = Mafia.

Kk, thx.
Rasberry 19 years ago
To add to that, I think the reason the clues keep reappearing is that we haven't been lynching the right people.

Lets fix that.
Tornt 19 years ago
Summers been doing a good job at making it look like it hasn't been her though I'm still very skeptical!
Mai 19 years ago
Well as this is my first game I was under the impression that the clues matched in all of them.

SO.. lynch me or don't. At this point I'd be willing to vote for me so you people would actually start looking at the clues instead of the neat idea of an 8 year old killer.
Rasberry 19 years ago
Summers been doing a good job at making it look like it hasn't been her though

That's the mafias job.