Firefly Mafia Round 3 /ooc discussion


Verileah 19 years ago
pooka 19 years ago
Okay, so I was wrong about the mafia hitting me. Though they may have changed their minds in case the docter was going to save me. From the date on the voting thread, it looks like the SK is still out there, and was not Judas. Any other thoughts on that?
pooka 19 years ago
Okay, so I was wrong about the mafia hitting me. Though they may have changed their minds in case the docter was going to save me. From the date on the voting thread, it looks like the SK is still out there, and was not Judas. Any other thoughts on that?
k.owen 19 years ago
So Trina Marks missed two days of voting. How does she die?
k.owen 19 years ago
So Trina Marks missed two days of voting. How does she die?
duexe 19 years ago
Okay, so I was wrong about the mafia hitting me.

/Marko tries to look cute...

Sooo, Brenda, whats a girl like you doing on a trash heap like this?

/ooc - Hows that for being hit on. You can call the doctor now...
duexe 19 years ago
Okay, so I was wrong about the mafia hitting me.

/Marko tries to look cute...

Sooo, Brenda, whats a girl like you doing on a trash heap like this?

/ooc - Hows that for being hit on. You can call the doctor now...
pooka 19 years ago
I was very suspicious of Jinheim celebrating after the coin toss last night. How can he know that Marko and Marconi were innocent?
pooka 19 years ago
I was very suspicious of Jinheim celebrating after the coin toss last night. How can he know that Marko and Marconi were innocent?
duexe 19 years ago
btw... don't kill me (points to avatar), I have a family to feed.

Really tho, the only thing that really has qualified me for mafia is my own big mouth and the hair flinging episode.

What should we be concentrating on in the lynching, the Mafia or the SK? Seems like we have been doing hit and miss in the ooc.

From the last hit, it seems the mafia are worried about the SK. I can think of no other reason why they would take out the Shepard. Retaliation for offing one of their own?
duexe 19 years ago
btw... don't kill me (points to avatar), I have a family to feed.

Really tho, the only thing that really has qualified me for mafia is my own big mouth and the hair flinging episode.

What should we be concentrating on in the lynching, the Mafia or the SK? Seems like we have been doing hit and miss in the ooc.

From the last hit, it seems the mafia are worried about the SK. I can think of no other reason why they would take out the Shepard. Retaliation for offing one of their own?
pooka 19 years ago
Yes, I agree that the mafia is hunting the SK. I don't know if the SK is hunting the mafia. As much as the very idea of reavers freaks me out, I think it is better strategy to go after mafia.
pooka 19 years ago
Yes, I agree that the mafia is hunting the SK. I don't know if the SK is hunting the mafia. As much as the very idea of reavers freaks me out, I think it is better strategy to go after mafia.
k.owen 19 years ago
Alex, your vote and reaction to the lynching outcome make me very curious. You vote for neither Marko or Marconi and appear pleased that neither of them were lynched. And your vote for Eliham; I can't find any logic in that. What clues do you have implicating Eliham as mafia or SK?
k.owen 19 years ago
Alex, your vote and reaction to the lynching outcome make me very curious. You vote for neither Marko or Marconi and appear pleased that neither of them were lynched. And your vote for Eliham; I can't find any logic in that. What clues do you have implicating Eliham as mafia or SK?
Briare 19 years ago
If I read it correctly he was tossed over a rail? So it would have to be someone able to do that.

And I am not dead yet you are allowed to miss 2 in a row if I miss one more then I go. By the way you guys are confusing! So Suspicious.
Briare 19 years ago
If I read it correctly he was tossed over a rail? So it would have to be someone able to do that.

And I am not dead yet you are allowed to miss 2 in a row if I miss one more then I go. By the way you guys are confusing! So Suspicious.
k.owen 19 years ago
Hmmm, the first words we've heard from Trina. And suddenly there's someone else to be suspicious of.
k.owen 19 years ago
Hmmm, the first words we've heard from Trina. And suddenly there's someone else to be suspicious of.
Mai 19 years ago
Actually Trina won't be killed by natural causes.. she would only be killed by natural causes if she failed to vote tonight but since she's already voted that won't happen.

From what I'm gathering about the mafia hit the guy was sort of pushed over the railing not picked up and tossed over like the Emperor in Return of the Jedi but I could have read it wrong. Does it seem to anyone else that we might have only one mafia member left?

Cause the one mafia is all that is mentioned in this thread.