Cocktails with Ike

This year instead of dealing with the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, rushing here and there, our Winter Exchange is going to be a bit more laid back. Let's deck these halls and get the party started! Dress up your character of choice in their finest party attire and get ready to watch the ball drop. No no, not *that* ball, the big one in New York. Is Dick Clark still alive? I swear that man made a deal with the devil. Anyway...








Step One: Create an avatar (150x200px) for your character, dressed in holiday party attire.


Step Two: Create a small (60x60px) party favor to help decorate everyone's sigs. These decorations can be anything from mistletoe to a bottle of champagne; any winter holiday goes! resent


Step Three: From now until Friday, December 30th, send all your decorations to me via PM. On that Friday, I will start a thread to put up everyone's decoration in one big post. Everyone can stop in, show off your new party clothes (post your avatar), and pick up some decorations for your sigs.








Let me know if anyone has any questions. Trying to keep it as simple as possible since we're getting a late start. Sign up here if you plan on participating please.

Den 19 years ago
Sure...I'm a noob, but might as well dive in and play here too. Sounds like fun! Are we limited to only one party favor, or can we create more?
Eve 19 years ago
Feel free to create more if ya want, just don't want anyone to feel like they have to
Guest 19 years ago
I'll play ^_^ I'll actually be on break from school this time around~
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I'm in!
Dia 19 years ago
me too
Calimaryn 19 years ago
ooo Fun fun!!! Pick me! Pick me!

(ie: Im in)
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
I can't make avatars or anything, but I could do little decorations. Is that ok? :/
Eve 19 years ago
Answered in your PM hon, so go for it
Blackrabbit 19 years ago

Vex 19 years ago
ok ok ok /untwists arm. im in.. geez!
Mai 19 years ago
KassyNaVerdis 19 years ago
*gets to work*
Adiene 19 years ago